Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Isaiah 49:8-15, Psalm 145:8-9, 13-14, 17-18, John 5:17-30


I am the resurrection and the life, says the Lord;
whoever believes in me will never die. Jn 11:25, 26

Isaiah 49:8-15, Psalm 145:8-9, 13-14, 17-18, John 5:17-30

Isaiah 49:8-15

My soul's beloved, forgive me for all the times I have acted like a beggar when the truth is that I am adopted by God Himself and You have taught me to call Him Father. Every time I cried out to You I have been heard for You hastened to help me. You have set me free from the slavery that held me in shackles. You led me to the paths that lead to streams of refreshing and cool waters and have fed me with Yourself. You have shielded me and have kept me from destroying myself completely. I have so much to be grateful for I only need to count my blessings and I will not exhaust them, for ever since I was conceived You have been with me. You will never forsake me but shall care for me as tenderly as a mother for the babe in her womb or the nursing infant at her breast. And yet even should they forget, You assure me that You never will for you love me with a love that knows no end; You love me completely, infinitely and eternally.

Psalm 145:8-9, 13-14, 17-18

My soul's beloved, the psalmist reminds me this morning of Your goodness, Your kindness, Your merciful love, You are compassionate towards me who is so weak and so undeserving of Your faithfulness.  Despite my coldness of heart sometimes and my indifference You so generously pour grace into my soul. Each time I have called You picked me up, You set my feet on solid ground, You made sure that I could stand, You strengthened me. You have never deserted me and You never will for You have claimed me for Yourself in time and in eternity although I have done nothing to deserve such goodness and graciousness towards me.

John 5:17-30

My soul's beloved, in today's Gospel You reveal to us who believe how to attain eternal life. It is to seek always to do the will of the Father in all things. In this is the fullness of joy. 

Very often it is the truth that moves the heart of the wicked to diabolic anger. They are helpless before the power and strength of it so they use every foul means available to them to secure the destruction of it. But Truth by its very nature is indestructible it can be denied for a while but its purity and light will rise and put to shame those who sought to annihilate it.

You could not have performed the signs and wonders You did unless power were given to You from God, they knew it, but they did not want to accept it. If they did then they would have to believe in You and they loved their lives too much, they loved their power too much to give it up even if they went against God Himself. 

You are equal to God, for You are the Son of God. You do nothing but that which the Father has done. Just as You learned St. Joseph's trade, so too, did You who were with the Father from all eternity, learn from Him, to do all that He Himself did. We are invited to be amazed at the power of God and the works of God. The will of the Father was food and drink to You and if we believe that we too are His children then His will ought to be our food and drink too.

The greatest power is that that You can give the soul dead to sin, new life and a new beginning. To You who has loved the Father and us to the Cross is given the authority to judge all mankind. You who bore our sins and our afflictions have been given the right to reward or to condemn. But You assure us that You did not come to condemn but to  heal and restore in love. Thank You for grace that enables me to hear Your voice and to desire to obey You in all things. 

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