Thursday, November 3, 2016

Philippians 3:8a, Psalm 105:2-7, Luke 15:1-10


Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, 
and I will give you rest, says the Lord. Mt 11:28

Philippians 3:8a, Psalm 105:2-7, Luke 15:1-10

Philippians 3:8a

My soul's beloved, St. Paul reminds us that we are saved by grace and grace alone. Whatever the world things can save us, money, power, influence, position - all these are like so much garbage before the power of God who with a blink of an eye can take away all our crutches leaving us bereft of all that we value in the world which we consider necessary for life. What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but suffers the loss of his soul?  In order that we save our soul You will do everything to help us even to dying on the Cross, tasting the death that was ours, in order that we may have a share in Your resurrection. It is not our observation of the precepts of the Church, nor all the prayers we say, our fasts and sacrifices that save us but You and You alone. By our faith in You we are saved and through our knowledge of You we come to truly love You as You ought to be loved and as You desire us to love You. Even though we are sinners You ask for our love, You thirst for it, You come down on our altar at every Eucharistic celebration and You enter our sinful hearts and giving us a taste of heaven and heavenly bliss. Thank You.

Psalm 105:2-7

Let hearts rejoice who search for the Lord is the response to the psalm in today's Eucharistic Liturgy. We rejoice and our glad for You came to save us. "You have made my heart for You and it is restless until it rests in You." You invite me to look at You for my strength comes from You alone. This is why You stay with us in our Adoration chapels, in our tabernacles hidden in the little round host - almighty God whom the Father has raised above all others and given a Name above all others. To whom is given all glory, all honor, all power - You stoop in perfect humility to remain with us so we can come to You any time, kneel before You, or sit before You and just lean on Your breast and be refreshed. Thank You.

Luke 15:1-10

My soul's beloved, the Pharisees complained because You mingled with sinners and ate with them. I rejoice that You do not consider me a sinner unworthy of Your company even though I am. I dine with You every morning in the celebration of the Eucharistic Banquet. Thank You My soul's beloved for teaching us through the parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin, God's unfathomable love for the one who is lost. Thank You for assuring us that You came for sinners not for the righteous. Thank You for revealing to us the awesome, unfathomable, love of God who does not think it absurd to leave the ninety nine behind and not rest until the lost one is found and having found the sinner You carry it in Your arms and bring it home, and as if that were not enough You rejoice and through a party in celebration. Thank You for assuring me that I am precious in Your sight and You will not rest until I am with in heaven. You will journey with me in this valley of tears. You will keep my hand firmly in Your own giving me everything I need to help me as I struggle to walk the narrow way that leads to life. Thank You my soul's beloved for Your faithfulness in loving me even though You and I know how unworthy I am of such love

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