Friday, November 4, 2016

Philippians 3:17--4:1, Psalm 122:1-5, Luke 16:1-8


Whoever keeps the word of Christ,
the love of God is truly perfected in him. 1 Jn 2:5 

Philippians 3:17--4:1, Psalm 122:1-5, Luke 16:1-8

Philippians 3:17--4:1

My soul's beloved, it was a long, hard, personal journey before Paul could say these words which such confidence. We are called to imitate You but he recommends that we imitate him because he truly was an icon of You. This is why the Church gives us Saints, holy men and women whom we can model our lives on because they were like us. Paul knew himself - he had a before and after story like all the great men and women who spent their lives in order to carry out their mission in bringing many to know You, love You and believe that You are our Savior and Lord, there is no other. Even in his time Paul lamented the evil in the world and those who lived in the flesh and spent their whole lives catering to the demands of the flesh. Today too the world is caught up with earthly things and have forgotten that there is a spiritual realm and that we are all called to become citizens of heaven.  We have a glorious destiny awaiting us through our hope in Your Resurrection. You make our mortal bodies like Your own by the power and authority granted to You by the Father who commands that we listen to You. Thank You for grace granted freely through Your Holy Spirit who  helps us in our feeble efforts to be pleasing to God.

Psalm 122:1-5

My soul's beloved, I thank You for the privilege of coming together with all Your people on the Lord's Day as together we ascend the Holy Mountain where You dwell in fullness and there offer You a Sacrifice of praise, thanksgiving, adoration, and worship as we offer the Father the most pleasing and acceptable Sacrifice of His Son on Calvary. There we make present the astounding exchange that You made when You took upon Yourself our sins, our punishment, our shame, our death and gave us Your life in abundance. Thank You for the grace that makes it possible to join Your people six days in the week to participate in the awesome celebration of the Holy Mass and for all the graces and blessings that flow to me through this greatest of all acts of worship here on earth.

Luke 16:1-8

My soul's beloved, in this parable of the devious steward who outsmarted his master You wish to tell us how the people of the world and of the flesh use their wits to get the better of those around them. They use their skills to curry favor with those who have influence, wealth and power in order to establish themselves in their good graces. They are  prepared to do anything fair or foul in order to ensure that they can receive and enjoy the benefits that come from unholy transactions with them.

Your purpose in praising this deceitful steward for his wiliness, is to tell us that we ought to be as zealous in our stewardship of the holy things that are given to us. As children of the light we must be wise, awake, and diligent in using the rich treasures we have at our disposal to draw others as well to share in the joy that comes from knowing You, loving You and serving You. We must have the same sharp insights and be as quick witted  as the people of the world in spreading the values of the Kingdom of God. 

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