Thursday, July 28, 2016

Jeremiah 18:1-6, Psalm 146:1-6, Matthew 13:47-53


Open our hearts O Lord to listen to the words of Your Son. -Acts 16:14b

Jeremiah 18:1-6, Psalm 146:1-6, Matthew 13:47-53

Jeremiah 18:1-6

Psalm 146:1-6

My soul's beloved, You are my help, You are my stronghold, my deliverer, my Lord and my God. May I praise you all the days of my life. May I recall to all how You have helped me, how You heard every cry, every prayer, every lament and had mercy and compassion. How You hasten always to help me, wipe away my tears and console me. Even though I am unworthy of Your love it does not stop You from loving me with a love that is beyond all comprehension for I do not deserve such love. I am exceedingly grateful that You do not look upon my transgressions, nor keep an account of my sins for Your mercy is great and when You forgive You do so completely and You forget my sins even though I find it hard to do so. Thank You my Lord and my God.

Matthew 13:47-53

My soul's beloved, today You remind us that as long as we have life we have hope. The Kingdom of Heaven is ours to receive and every opportunity is given to us to do good and to turn our back evil. To instruct the ignorant, to share the Good News of how marvelously God has dealt with us so others are encouraged and come to believe and believing they too shall live. My time is now. My hour is now - tomorrow is promised to no one. When the haul of fish is brought in grant that not only I am counted among the good fish that all those under the circle of  my influence may be good fish as well.

You came to show us that we do not turn our backs on the old - it is as important as the new. In the old, every Covenant that God made to His people is fulfilled in the New with Your coming into the world. Without You the whole Old Testament makes no sense but in the Light of Truth, in Your incarnation, Life, Passion, Death and glorious Resurrection and Ascension into heaven both the Old and the New pulsate with light, life and hope and our faith in You will be rewarded in eternal life with You, the Father and the Holy Spirit in the Kingdom of Heaven

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