Saturday, July 9, 2016

Isaiah 6:1-8, Psalm 93: 1-2, 5, Matthew 10:24-33

Isaiah 6:1-8, Psalm 93: 1-2, 5, Matthew 10:24-33
Isaiah 6:1-8

My soul's beloved, the prophet Isaiah sees this glorious vision of God, he sees the angels who in the presence of the Most High and they veil their faces and their feet with their wings before Him. They are pure beings, they are privileged to offer God eternal praise and adoration as they cry out saying, “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts! All the earth is filled with his glory!” The prophet recognizes his own unworthiness and cries out in anguish that he is a man of unclean lips living among people with unclean lips. God reaches out through the angel and removes from him all his sins and his wickedness. Then he hears God say,
“Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?”

And the prophet, forgiven of his sins and cleansed from his iniquity answers the call of God,

 “Here I am,” he said; “send me!”
Today, through these words in Scripture You say to me that I need not lose heart. It is true that I am sinful and I give into my sinful nature all the time, yet, I too am privileged even more so than the Seraphim and Cherubim because they do not receive You in the Holy Eucharist I do. You cleanse me of all my sins in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and You have entrusted to me my mission. With the help of the infinite grace You make available to me I will with the help of Your Spirit answer the call.

Psalm 93: 1-2, 5

 My Lord and my God, You are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You are glorious in majesty and worthy of all praise and worship. The angels adore You, the Saints gather around You and extol You with praise. Creation bows down before You and obeys You for Your Word is true and Your law of love gives us life. Thank You for calling us from darkness into Your marvelous light. Thank You for claiming us for Yourself. Thank You for the Gift of Your Holy Spirit who will help us to walk in the Way of Truth and guide us safely home to You.

Matthew 10:24-33

My soul's beloved, You ask me to be like You. You have called me to be holy and perfect as You are holy and perfect - this requires that I choose to do what is right every moment of  the day. It means that I must will to love, will to exercise discipline over my flesh and obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit who only speaks in the softest whisper. When I allow the clamor of the world to deafen my ears I will not hear Him. You have made known all the secrets of the Kingdom of God, You have revealed the Father to us, You have given us Your Holy Spirit it is now up to me to yoke myself to You and permit You and Your Word to take me through this valley of tears to the place You have prepared for me. 

You assure me that I need not fear those who can only destroy the body rather I must pay attention to the One who can kill body body and soul in the eternal flames that will never go out. The Father's love for me is greater than the care He provides for the little sparrow for He considers me of greater worth, so great indeed that He sent You to pay the ransom for my sins and my iniquities so I can be set free from its enslavement and walk in the freedom of a child of God.

I take comfort and draw strength from the Father's intimate knowledge of me for You tell me not to be afraid and assure me that He has counted all the hairs of my head. If I am faithful to the mission given to me then You will come to me at the end and acknowledge me as Your very own little nothing in heaven.


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