Saturday, June 18, 2016

2 Chronicles 24:17-25, Psalm 89:4-5, 29-34, Matthew 6:24-34

2 Chronicles 24:17-25, Psalm 89:4-5, 29-34, Matthew 6:24-34

2 Chronicles 24:17-25

My soul's beloved, as we read Sacred Scripture in today's Reading from the Old Testament we see that just as the chosen people abandoned their God for idols and were deaf to the warnings of the many prophets God sent to woo them back to Him, they refused to listen. Christians today are just as indifferent my Lord. Nations that were once proud of their Christian heritage are not bending over backwards to deny that they ever knew You. The idols they worship at today are a personal freedom that panders to the dictates of the flesh. Their gods are images in glossy magazines and movies whose language is foul and whose lifestyle scrapes the bottom of the sewer and we desire to imitate them. We believe the lie and we claim the lie as truth. We are prepared to deny You over and over again, to betray You as Judas did. 

The day of reckoning will come may Your faithful remnant not be found sleeping but be awake watching and praying so we will not be taken by surprise. May we labor tirelessly even if we are persecuted and ridiculed and may we remain faithful to the end. May the little light we shine bring back those who have strayed to the path of Life and Truth in You.

Psalm 89:4-5, 29-34

My soul's beloved, we rejoice because You are faithful from one generation to the next. You will not forget the Covenant of Love that God has pledged to His people. The price paid for salvation and won for us on the Cross will not be in vain because the first Covenant made to Abraham and fulfilled in You who are the Son of God and the Son of Man was sealed and ratified in Your most precious Blood. Your Covenant is eternal and Your Kingdom is being established here on earth - it may not seem so in the present age Lord but Your faithful remnant will labor tirelessly with the help of Your Holy Spirit to ensure that the darkness will not overcome the Light. Truth will triumph over the Father of Lies and through the witness of those who are prepared to lay down their lives as You did, many will come back to their Father's House and will be saved.

Matthew 6:24-34

My soul's beloved, the best cure for stress that kills so many in the world today is revealed in verse 34 of today's Gospel reading: "Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." The world today is diseased in body because it is diseased in mind and spirit. We labor and toil to obtain all that the world trumpets as good, necessary and desirable and in the pursuit of money, power, pleasure, and an impossible physical perfection we kill ourselves a little each day. 

If only the world would take heed of the wisdom that You reveal and listen to the Truth and conform to it we would be so much happier and healthier. We twist ourselves out of shape in order to please God and the world and this You say is impossible because we cannot serve God faithfully when we are also trying to conform to the world. If we spent as much time in knowing, loving and serving God as we did about eating, drinking and following the latest fads and fashion and the hours spent wastefully in shaping and contouring our bodies which will corrupt in death rather than our souls that are immortal we would find our lives stress free and we would know joy. 

We are God's children and if we call God Father can we not trust Him to supply all our needs according to the riches of His beloved Son? Grant my soul's beloved that I set my heart on the things of heaven and not spend the days left to me hankering for the things that will be decay. Thank You for the Church, for Your Word and most of all for Your Holy Spirit with the help You make available to me I shall pass safely from this life to the next.

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