Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Zephaniah 3:14-18, Isaiah 12:2-6, Luke 1:39-57



Zephaniah 3:14-18, Isaiah 12:2-6, Luke 1:39-57

Zephaniah 3:14-18

My soul’s beloved, every promise that God has made, He has fulfilled in You. Today the Church celebrates the feast of the Visitation of our Blessed Mother, Virgin and Queen to her cousin Elizabeth. She was carrying St. John the Baptist in her womb at the time and was six months pregnant when Mary made the first Eucharist procession as she carried You newly conceived in her womb and travelled to the hill country in Judea to visit her and be of help to her cousin. The prophet speaks of that meeting long before it takes place. God is hidden in the womb of the daughter of Jerusalem, the woman chosen to bear the Son of God. Recalling His covenant love for His people, God sends us a Savior, Emmanuel who will remain with us and give us hope. Casting out all fear we will walk in the freedom of the children of God that You will win for us through suffering and death so we can have a share in Your resurrection.

Isaiah 12:2-6

My soul’ beloved, once again today we read of another great prophet centuries before You were born singing a hymn of praise at the saving work that God has done for us in redeeming us. Salvation is granted to us by You and no other. We rejoice and are glad for the new life that You grant us through the Sacrament of Baptism, the forgiveness of sin through the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the strength we receive as we are  nourished on  the Bread of Angels in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.

We praise You as we come together to celebrate Your most Holy Name and marvel at Your saving help as we recall the wonders that You have done and rejoice at the Father’s love for us. We thank You my soul’s beloved for remaining in our midst and being Emmanuel, God with us.

Luke 1:39-57

My soul’s beloved, Your mama was a woman who did not let the grass grow under her feet. She was a woman of action. No sooner was it revealed to her by the Holy Spirit that Elizabeth her cousin was six months pregnant, she set out in haste, making a difficult journey in the hills of Judah to visit her and assist her. Too often we make excuses for being lazy for not getting up and going where we are needed and being useful. There is a joy that comes from a life of service that is so satisfying and yet most of us prefer to sit on our hands and lead selfish lives.

Mary’s beautiful hymn, the Magnificat recognizes that every good and perfect gift comes from God and she give Him all the glory for what He has done for her. She rightly prophecies that all generations shall call her blessed for it was He who chose her, through His power and the overshadowing she would conceive God’s own Son who was to save the world. She was aware that God chose her through no merit of her own and raised her high above all His creatures. He adorned her with every virtue. Her soul was an impeccable garden where the infinite God would take flesh from her, be enclosed in her womb. Would make a home for Him in her body as He grew in secret as she nourished Him with her blood. She is truly and without question the Mother of God for she is the Mother of the Son of God. And yes, all generations will call her blessed for God chose her in her lowliness and made her sit among princes.

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