Monday, April 4, 2016

Isaiah 7:10-14; 8:10, Hebrews 10:4-10, Psalm 40:7-11, Luke 1:26-38

Isaiah 7:10-14; 8:10, Hebrews 10:4-10, Psalm 40:7-11, Luke 1:26-38

Isaiah 7:10-14; 8:10

My Beloved, 700 years before You came into world in the likeness of men so we could take on the likeness of God, the prophet Isaiah foretold Your coming through the Virgin Mother of God. This is what he said, “God Himself will give you a sign: The Virgin is with child and bears and son and calls his name Emmanuel.” In verse 10 of chapter 8 Isaiah reveals Your Name which reveals Your mission, “Devise a plan and it will be thwarted, make a resolve and it will not stand, for God-is-with-us.” Here we have it no plan forged against You will succeed no matter how firm the resolve of the enemy to foil the plan of God it will fail for God whose Name is also Emmanuel is always with us. Therefore my Beloved, we shall walk with confidence and without fear for God, our God has redeemed us, He sanctifies us with Your Holy Spirit and His abiding presence is with us in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist which is our food and drink.  The God of Love in the Trinity stoops in humility over His creatures because He cares for us.

Hebrews 10:4-10

My Beloved, according to the will of God and His plan to save the people He created You presented Yourself to Your Father saying, “Here I am. I will do Your will.” No longer do we need to offer sacrifices of animals or any created thing as thanksgiving offerings or offerings to take away sin for You have now given us the most pleasing an acceptable Sacrifice of thanksgiving that takes away all sin and guilt. The Sacrifice of Yourself on the Cross at Calvary, the place of the skull which in Hebrew is Golgotha. Death was crushed by the Cross and You obtained for us victory over the world, the flesh and the devil. Thank You!

Psalm 40:7-11

My Beloved, long before You came into the world through the womb of the Virgin Mary the Holy Spirit revealed Your coming through the prophets and the psalms. The sacrifices in the Old Testament could never take away the guilt of our sins. The blood of all the animals could not wash away the stain that marred our immortal soul which was created by God and finds rest in Him alone. So the Father gave us the Lamb of Sacrifice, the Lamb without stain or blemish, the Lamb that takes away the sins of the world from the first sin of Adam to the last.

It pleased You to do as the Father desired. You came to reveal to us that the Law of God is the Law of Love. You came to seal and ratify the Covenant made by God with all who believe with Your Blood. You came to show us the Way, Your revealed the Truth about God and the Kingdom of God and You give us Life through the Sacraments which are the doorway to the heart of God. Thank You for delivering us, saving us and abiding with us.

Luke 1:26-38

My Beloved, the Virgin Mother Mary is the template on which each one us must model ourselves if we are to be a delight to God as she was.

These verses in the Gospel of Luke reveal the many characteristics of Mary that are worthy of emulating for she is a disciple par excellence and is therefore the first of all the disciples.

In these few verses the Evangelist Luke, inspired by the Holy Spirit, writes down a narrative of the events that took place at the Annunciation. That moment in time that God chose to put into effect His incomprehensible plan of love for such unworthy creatures as ourselves. We are told the time, the place, the name of the person to whom God sent His Messenger Gabriel with a message that would change the world forever – and the plan rested on the fiat of a young Virgin who gave her yes with a wildly beating heart and trembling lips. I am certain there was a hushed but audible sigh that came forth from God, the heavens and creation. God could do nothing until His little handmaiden said yes. It was within her power to thwart the plan of God had she given into her fears.  She was unable to fully grasp what God was asking of her, it would take much contemplating and meditating on the words that she kept in her heart and pondered over. For the moment, once she knew what God was asking of her, she responded as she had always responded to God, “Yes” any other response would have been alien to her nature. She who was conceived without sin, she who was God’s fairest garden adorned with every grace and virtues, said what she always said to her God, “I am the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done to me as you have said.” And as heaven rejoiced the Holy Spirit of God came upon her and rested on her and the power of the Most High overshadowed her and You my Beloved was conceived in her virginal womb. God became Man in order to take upon Himself the human condition in order to redeem it and open the gates of heaven to us.

Thank You Father, Son and Holy Spirit and thank You Mother Mary for saying yes to God.

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