Thursday, March 31, 2016

Acts 3:11-26, Psalm 8:2, 5-9, Luke 24:35-48


Acts 3:11-26, Psalm 8:2, 5-9, Luke 24:35-48

Acts 3:11-26

My Beloved, God is constantly at work in the world. You who are the Eternal Word of the Father uphold all creation sustaining it by the power of Your Holy Spirit. The Father abides in us because You abide in us and as You have said, “You and the Father are One.” The people were amazed when in the power of the Name that is above all other names the cripple who was carried to the temple gate each day was healed. Once he gained the use of his feet he jumped up and went into the temple walking and leaping and praising God.

My Beloved we witness Your healing everyday but we take it for granted we are not moved to joyfully leap and jump and shout and praise God thus giving powerful witness to what Your goodness and love have effected in us. Grant us a faith that is alive so we can give joyful witness to all that You have done for us so others too on hearing our testimony can live. 

No matter how gravely we have sinned, so long as we are sorry and come to You seeking forgiveness no matter how badly we are disfigured and crippled by sin, You have the power to restore us to perfect health. Thank You my Beloved for the wonderful Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Psalm 8:2, 5-9

My Beloved, truly Your Name is great over all the earth. You redeemed all things and restored the order which the first Adam’s sin had destroyed.  You sent forth Your Spirit and it is at work in all that lives and breathes giving glory to God who alone is worthy of our adoration. Glorified by the Father and seated at His right hand You did not leave us orphans but shared with us Your power just as You promised when You said that we will do even greater things than You have done for You make intercession for us night and day before the throne of mercy and grace generously sharing Your inheritance with us.

How good You are my Beloved – thank You for making it possible to do all You ask of me through grace working in me.

Luke 24:35-48

My Beloved, all who believe receive the same mission that You entrusted to Your Apostles each one of us who is baptized into Your Body must be a witness to all You have done for us. This is the Good News that God sent His Son into the world to reveal the love of the Father of His wayward children. To save them from the sin of Adam and to bridge the chasm created by our first parents by their act of disobedience to God’s will.

In obeying the Father and laying down Your life for the salvation of the world You have redeemed us. You empower us with Your Holy Spirit and You strengthen us each time we gather together to celebrate the Holy Eucharist where You continue to break Your Body for us and feed us so we can have a share in Your life. Thank You for Your Living Word – the Sacred Scriptures which pulsates with divine life providing us with Wisdom that comes from Your Holy Spirit and provides light so we may walk the narrow way without stumbling or perishing by the wayside.

Give me a burning desire Lord to witness to Your love in the way that I live my life in the world.

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