Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Acts 3:1-10, Psalm 105:1-9, Luke 24:13-35


Acts 3:1-10, Psalm 105:1-9, Luke 24:13-35

Acts 3:1-10

My Beloved, here we are reminded that having You we have all things. Peter and John had nothing of this worlds goods but they had something far greater Your Name which is above every other name and when Your Name is pronounced that Name of Power and Glory of the Lord miracles happen. Anyone with expectant faith in You and Your Name will receive all they desire especially healing of mind, body, soul, and spirit in short the healing of the whole person for God does nothing by halves.

Once we encounter You my Beloved then we are no longer the same. Filled with joy and wonder we begin to leap with joy praising God for all He has done for us and testifying how gracious He has been to us. Help me my Beloved to have this same exuberant joy that bubbles over as I witness to all how gracious You have been to me and how much You love and care for me.

Psalm 105:1-9

My Beloved, thank You for Your abiding Presence on earth in our tabernacles where we can come to You, gaze on You, adore You, confide in You and be bated in Your love. Thank You for this oases in the midst of a chaotic world where for a moment we can step outside time and be with You I eternity lost in the wonder of Your graciousness to us who are so unworthy of such unfathomable love.

When You look at us who come to You with various degrees of faith but who come anyway confident that You can take our mustard seed of faith and help it grow and thrive Your heart is moved to compassion and You recall the Covenant of Love made with us by Your Father in Your Person  and we can count on Your blessings not only extended to us but to the thousandth generation. Thank You.

Luke 24:13-35

My Beloved, here we see a promise You made fulfilled. “When two or three are gathered in my name I am there in their midst.” Here the disheartened disciples who were making their way out of Jerusalem weighed down with all their disappointments at the unexpected turn of events and unable to get out of their funk as they talked about all that had happened concerning You, they suddenly find You present with them although they do not know it. Help us Lord to be sensitive to Your Presence because You can show up in unexpected way or in an unrecognizable guise. Help me not to miss You but to be alert and sensitive to those around Me for You are present in them just as You are present in me.

You explain to these two disciples that the Crucifixion was not the end of the story but the beginning. With the empty tomb and the Resurrection we begin a new phase in our walk with You – one filled with awe and wonder at the goodness of God and the sheer magnitude of His power and love.

I confess to being dull and slow of understanding sometimes Lord. I thank You for Your patience with me and for taking the time to lead me, walking with me at my pace and tenderly and compassionately helping me see how  wrong I can often be when I try to figure things out without the help of the Church’s wisdom and the Holy Spirit who speaks through her to me.

Just like the disciples in the road to Emmaus may I always recognize You in the breaking of the Bread at every Eucharistic celebration where Your become my food and drink which helps me on my journey from this life to the next.

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