Sunday, November 2, 2014

Revelations 7:2-4, 9-14, 1 John 3:1-3, Psalm 24:1-6, Matthew 5-12



Revelations 7:2-4, 9-14, 1 John 3:1-3, Psalm 24:1-6, Matthew 5-12

Revelations 7:2-4, 9-14

My Beloved, just as the people of God enslaved in Egypt were saved from death by the mark of the blood of the lamb on their door posts and lintels, so too are those who have been purchased and sealed by the Blood of the atoning sacrifice of the Lamb  of  God are saved from eternal and punishment.

The multitude of saints in heaven who are considered righteous by God, throng around the throne of God.  people from every nation race and language sing triumphantly in glory, honor and praise of the Lamb without whom salvation is impossible.

We need not mourn the loss of those whom we have loved and who have gone before us for God has a place reserved for us all and we will join them at our own journey's end and sing with them the glorious hymn of triumph and victory won for us by You, our Savior, Redeemer, our King, our Lord and our God.

1 John 3:1-3

My Beloved, St.John the Evangelist speaks eloquently as he tells of You, "We have seen Eternal Life," he says, we looked, we touched with our hands and now they tell of it so we can believe as they give witness to the Word of Life who was with the Father.  We are almost tempted to envy them this awesome privilege of their experience with You.  They lived, walked, laughed, ate, talked and were taught and formed by You.  Yet, they are no more to be envied  as we who through their faithful witness and the Sacred Deposit of Faith also experience all that they did but in a deeper spiritual sense for we live by faith not sight.

Thank You my Beloved for this awesome gift of faith that we received in baptism and the wonderful witness of the lives of all those who lived for you, died in You and are now risen in You and live with You eternally.

Psalm 24:1-6

My Beloved, heaven is assured to all who walk in purity, humility and truth.  We are born because God willed it, the earth and all in it exists because Your Word brought it into existence and it is sustained by the love of God and the power of God.  Anyone with clean hands and a pure heart can ascend the holy mountain of God and will be received into the Kingdom. 

However, to those whom much is given much will be required for we are born again through the waters of baptism and the fire of the Holy Spirit in Confirmation - the Sacraments are the channels through which God pours Himself into us.  Nothing is lacking and so we will be held to a greater accountability of the use of the Gifts we have received to help us in our journey from this life to the next.

Matthew 5-12

My Beloved, the Beatitudes are the blueprint by which You life and so did Your Mama as well as all the Saints.  We are not left on our own to muddle through life. Our eternal destiny is not left to chance.  Not only have You given us an example of how to live and die, we have the witness of a multitude of Saints who each in their own way, according to their state in life and the gifts given to them lived ordinary lives like us but they did so heroically.

They lived every moment of their lives attuned to Your Word, Your Voice, Your Presence, through the Church and the Sacraments.  God has a marvelous plan for each of His children tailor made to our natural abilities and gifts that He has given us, all we need is a docile spirit, a loving heart and zeal for the Kingdom of God and everything will be added by You to hep us live our our vocation faithfully.

Verses 10-12 
Fortunate are you, when people insult you and persecute you and speak all kinds of evil against you because you are my followers. 12 Be glad and joyful, for a great reward is kept for you in God. This is how this people persecuted the prophets who lived before you.

These verses are a somber  reminder to us for it is slowly becoming increasing visible in the world how those who live the Gospel values and the teaching of Holy Mother Church are persecuted.  It will only get worse in the years ahead.  But You will not fail us for You have given us Your assurance that You will remain with us till the end of the age.  Keep us faithful Lord and unafraid of what they can do to our body and after that nothing else rather, let us be ever mindful of God who can destroy both body and soul or raise both to eternal joy with You in heaven.

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