Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Ephesians 3:2-12, Isaiah 12:2-6, Luke 12:39-48



Ephesians 3:2-12, Isaiah 12:2-6, Luke 12:39-48

Ephesians 3:2-12

My Beloved, all that St. Paul says about himself in these verses can be also be said of the Saint whose feast day the Church celebrates today - St. John Paul II, the Saint of the second millennium.  If we can call St. Paul who was Saul the Saint of the first millennium then without exaggeration we can say the same of St. John Paul II in this age.

We know how God took away every earthly love and tie one by one - first his mother, then his sister, a well loved older brother and finally his most beloved father. With each loss God drew him ever closer to Himself and further away from the things of the world.  God granted him a marvelous and prodigious intellect - a genius.  A wisdom that was learned through great suffering.  An expansive, generous, winsome, charismatic personality that was comfortable with whoever met him and whose lives he touched profoundly.

Grace upon grace was showered upon him as we see how well he understood and could express the wisdom revealed by God, taking us into various levels of truth, deeper and deeper into the light as he taught, wrote, preached, spoke and lived the Good News of our salvation in You my Lord. He spoke boldly and with confidence. 

When the world demanded he come down from the painful cross of physical  suffering that was inflicted upon him he stayed unflinchingly on it as a silent, powerful witness in imitation of You.  Preaching perhaps his most eloquent sermons when his once magnificent physical stature grew increasingly frail. 

Thank You my Beloved for each of the Apostles that have blessed Your Church in every age.

Isaiah 12:2-6

Thank You my Beloved for the powerful witness of all Your Saints including our very own St. John Paul II who lived his life boldly and unafraid.  Preaching the Gospel truths in and out of season.  Tearing down the walls of the enemy and shepherding Your Bride, the Church faithfully till his last breath.  Now grant Your servant and friend eternal rest in Your Bosom. Amen

Luke 12:39-48

To us my Beloved to whom much has been given help us not to become vain, pompous and self-righteous rather help us to remember that the graces we receive are to be used in Your service, selflessly.  We who are members of Your Church and are privileged to receive the Sacraments instituted by You are made strong and ready for battle against the world, the flesh and the devil. You warn us of the consequences of being lax in our faith and squandering the great wealth given to us by not using them.

There is a place where those who have not lived quite as they ought will go.  Verses 47 and 48 speak clearly of such a place which the Catholic Church calls purgatory.

47 The servant who knew his mas­ter’s will, but did not prepare to do what his master wanted, will be punished with sound blows; 48 but the one who did what deserved a punishment without knowing it shall receive fewer blows. Much will be required of the one who has been given much, and more will be asked of the one entrusted with more. 

It is a place where all impurities will be burned away and only that which is pure will remain for nothing unclean can enter the Presence of God.

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