Ephesians 2:1-10, Psalm 100:1-5, Luke 12:13-21
Ephesians 2:1-10
My Beloved, when we resist grace we go spiraling downward into the bottomless pit of hell where neither light nor truth can be found. Only the infinite love God has for His wayward children can penetrate the abyss of darkness with His Light, Truth and grace.
This is what the love of God has done for us -we were dead to our sins to God raised us up because of His tender mercy and compassion and through You my Lord we are saved. The invisible God is now visible to us in You and through You He reveals the wonders, marvels and power of His extraordinary grace which He generously pours upon us.
Psalm 101:1-5
Verse 2 says, "I will walk the way of integrity." This is impossible on my own my Lord. The Psalmist asks, "When will You come to me?" I know when You come to me my Beloved, You come to me in every Eucharist. When I receive Your Body and Blood I become like You and thus I can walk, "With a blameless heart."
Grant me the grace never to return to my sinful past by revisiting my sins and colluding with the transient desires of the flesh which leave a dreary pall on my soul and my life.
Luke 12:13-21
My Beloved, the worst dissensions and violent crimes are often committed because of quarrels over family property. Ugly enmities create insurmountable barriers and brother, sisters and relatives die with unforgiveness still burning in their hearts because of worldly possessions.
God does not care so much if we are denied an earthly inheritance for it has no power to save our soul. Rather He desires that we amass virtues through a life of grace. Often we are a little envious of those who seem to have all the wonderful things the world offers which of themselves are not sinful. God Himself who is perfect Beauty has put the love of the good, true and beautiful within us. So there is nothing wrong in liking beautiful things and surrounding ourselves with them provided that they do not displace Him and the love of things eternal.
More often than not we cling to things and people. We idolize them and spend all our waking moments polishing, preserving and admiring our idols. We have no time for the Lord and Maker of our life who created us and desires so much more us for than that which is ephemeral. He desires us to live a life lived in the power of His marvelous grace and life spurred by the Holy Spirit and loving God and neighbor as we should.
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