Monday, August 4, 2014

Jeremiah 28:1-17, Psalm 119:9, 43, 79-80, 95, 102, Matthew 14:22-36



Jeremiah 28:1-17, Psalm 119:9, 43, 79-80, 95, 102, Matthew 14:22-36

Jeremiah 28:1-17

My Beloved, false prophets are wolves in sheep's clothing.  They lull people's conscience into a false sense of security by promising them blessings while they live sinful lives which is contrary to Your Word.  So many Christian leaders have succumbed to pressure and have toppled like nine pins on several grave issues of morality and the Divine Law.  They call lies truth and truth a lie.  They dress up lies and prop it up to appear good and attractive like the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.

We live in an age of hedonism and the virulent and steady attacks on the family have succeeded in weakening its moral hold and primary role as guardians of virtue.  With the moral collapse of individuals families suffer.  The Catholic Church seems to be the only voice raised against the moral decay and depravity of the world and for this she is maligned and persecuted.

Have mercy on us Lord and save us!

Psalm 119:9, 43, 79-80, 95, 102

 Verse 9
How can young people remain pure? By living according to your word.


My Beloved, You are the Eternal Word of the Father in You is contained the fullness of Truth. If we are not guided by Truth my Beloved then the world loses its moral compass and evil directs the course of men. Without hope man loses the desire to stand firm against the wiles of the deceiver.

Keep us faithful to the Truth so we may not fall prey to the onslaught of the devil. Your Word O Lord is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Your Word saves. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit who resides in me and teaches and guides me.

Matthew 14:22-36

My Beloved, prayer to You was food and drink. The people who crowded around You incessantly making demands on You took its toll. Being human, You got weary and You needed to be alone with Your Father in order to rest in Him and be strengthened and renewed once more to continue the mission for which He sent You.

We are told that the disciples who were in the boat were far from land. The boat rocked perilously as the waves and the wind battered it. Today Your Church is battling against the elements of evil and she is struggling to keep afloat. It is night and the storm is frightening. At daybreak You came to the disciples, they did not recognize You walking on the water and they presumed You were a ghost and were afraid. But You are God and the elements are Yours to command for You rule creation.

We too are afraid Lord as evil overwhelms us on every side. You reassure us just as You reassured the disciples in verse 27, “Courage! Don’t be afraid. It’s me!” Peter wanted to walk on water too and You invited him to do so. As long as He kept his focus on You he was fine but the moment he took his gaze off You and focused on the storm he began to sink.

My Beloved, sometimes I too feel overwhelmed and threatened by things that happen around me and I become afraid, in such moments come to my aid and save me.

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