Thursday, July 10, 2014

Hosea 11:1-4, 8-9, Psalm 80:2-3, 15-16, Matthew 10:7-15


Hosea 11:1-4, 8-9, Psalm 80:2-3, 15-16, Matthew 10:7-15

Hosea 11:1-4, 8-9

My Beloved, the Father has so loved us that He sent You into the world not to condemn us as we deserve but to save us.   Ever since the first sin when the crown of creation drew away from the God of love He has constantly looked for ways to draw us back to Him.

Through salvation history we see how God who chose a people for His Own prepared them.  He drew them out of exile, fed them, quenched their thirst, punished them when they sinned, cajoled them with kindness and constantly held back His anger when they continued to be stubborn and stiff necked.

Beloved, we belong to God who willed that You save us by  giving up Your life so we can live. You are the Holy One who ensured that the Father will never never come to us again in anger because You paid the price of our redemption with Your Blood.

Thank You Father!

 Psalm 80:2-3, 15-16

My Beloved, You are our Good Shepherd You have laid down Your life for Your sheep.  The Father could have turned away from us in His just and righteous anger but He had pity on His creatures whom He created in love to live in His Presence forever.  The measure of the Father's love is seen in the Incarnation when He sent You into the world clothing Your Divinity with humanity so You could walk with us and reveal the depths of the Father's love for us.  

He wooed us back to Him through You.  We are Your people, Your sheep, Your Church, Your Body.  We are united to You and made one with You.  Sinners yet holy because we are joined to You.

Thank You for not giving up on us.  Thank You for saving us.  Thank You for Your constant protection.

 Matthew 10:7-15

My Beloved, our mission is the same as the mission entrusted to You by Your Father and which You handed to Your Apostles and disciples and all who follow You.  It seems quite impossible.  Proclaiming the message is one thing but You also expect us to heal the sick, bring the dead back to life, cleanse lepers and drive out demons.  You assure us that we have received the gifts and You expect us to use them  and share them as well.  You desire that we rely only on You and to believe in Your promise to be with us always.

We are called to be people of peace who carry Your peace wherever we go.  If we are receive a welcome You will leave a blessing if not we are not to be perturbed or angry rather we are called to move on and leave judgment to You.  All we are called to do is to be ready, willing and faithful.

Help me Lord!  

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