Thursday, June 5, 2014

Acts 22:30, 23:6-11, Psalm 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11, John 17:20-26


Acts 22:30, 23:6-11, Psalm 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11, John 17:20-26

Acts 22:30, 23:6-11

My Beloved, we must know our adversaries well just as St. Paul did.  He was brought to stand trial before the Sanhedrin and he bore witness to You and to Your resurrection knowing quite well that it would cause division between the Pharisees and the Sadducees. There will always be division among those opposed to You and this will often work to the advantage of those who belong to You.

We must remain steadfast in faith no matter how terrible the storm that rages around us for we can be quite certain that You are with us.  We are never alone.  Wherever we find ourselves we must be Your witnesses.  In season and out of season we mist live the Good News.

Psalm 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11

My Beloved, having You I have all I need.  I have no fear of those who may stand against me for with You at my right hand, I shall never be overpowered, overcome or put to shame.  My enemies will flee before me for You fight my battles for me.  you keep me safe my Rock, my Fortress, my Refuge and my Deliverer.  No harm will come to me for You have counted the hair on my head and I am more precious to You than many sparrows.  So I rejoice and I offer You praise, worship, glory and thanksgiving for You O Lord are my God.  My joy, hope and peace have their source in You my Life and my Love. 

John 17:20-26

My Beloved, I have a great mission and a great responsibility for whoever accepts You through my witness and believes in You will be drawn into the union of love between the Trinity and those who belong to You and from Your Body.  We will share in the glory of Your inheritance that was Yours even before Your Father laid the foundation of the world.  

Because we believe, all that the Father has revealed through You and because, we share in Your Name we will be loved with the very same love with which You are beloved of the Father.  It is in unity alone, a unity of belief in You and love that binds us and makes us one in which we shall grown in perfection for it is Your life and love that make us one in You and one another.

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