Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Acts 1:15-17, 20-26, Psalm 113:1-7, John 15:9-17



Acts 1:15-17, 20-26, Psalm 113:1-7, John 15:9-17

Acts 1:15-17, 20-26

My Beloved, in these few verses many divine truths about the  Church You founded are revealed.  Peter is the Rock, the visible head on which You build Your Church.  There will be scandals even among those who have a high ranking within the Church - Judas as Peter affirmed, was one of the twelve chosen by You and he betrayed You.  His hands were stained not only with Your Blood but his won.  he condemned himself for he had no faith in Your mercy and love.

Everything in Scripture must be fulfilled as You rightly pointed out many times.  Peter too understands how vital it is that all that has been foretold must be accomplished.  Scripture says, "Another must take the place of the one who deserted it."  Here we see the Magisterium in action.  Peter together with the rest of the council, about 120 in all, had to choose one from among them as the 12th Apostle to replace Judas.  The only requirement was that he had to have been Your follower and witness from the time of Your baptism in the Jordan and until the time of Your resurrection and ascension. 

Of the two recommended one was to be chosen and so after praying together they drew lots and thus Mathias, whose feast we celebrate today, was to be the 12th Apostle.  The Church, inspired by the Holy Spirit will always act according to God's will and she will do so until the day  You come again in glory to claim her as Your Bride, for this is Your promise to her.

Psalm 113:1-7

From the east to the west the world and all its people offer You constant praise because You are worthy.  We thank You Beloved that You who are enthroned at the Father's right hand keep Your gaze constantly upon Your Spouse, the Church.  She is Your Bride and the mother of Your brothers and sisters who are baptized and grafted into Your Body.

You never forget or forsake us.  You lift us up and You satisfy us with the Gift of Yourself at every Eucharist.  Having You, we neither hunger nor thirst for You fill us and we are at peace.

John 15:9-17

The marks of a true disciple:
  • I must remain in You and Your words must remain in me.  I will then receive whatever I ask of You.
  • I must bear much fruit - this is possible because I am grafted to You and Your life flows through me.  The Father is glorified by the fruit of my labor.
  • I will remain in You if I obey Your commandment of Love to God whom I am called to love above all and my neighbor whom I am called to love as much as I love myself.
  • True love is prepared to lay down its life in sacrifice as You have done.  Grant that I may always be ready to lay down my will and my life according to Your will.
  • You call me friend because You have kept nothing hidden from me   All that he has revealed to You, You make known to me in the Church and in Your Word.
  • You chose me not for any merit on my part but simply because You love me.
  • I have been given a mission to go out into the world and live the Good News publicly and I have Your promise that all I ask to live the life of a true disciple will be granted to me by the Father.
  • Love must be the rule of my life.

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