Saturday, March 1, 2014

James 5:15-20, Psalm 141:1-3, 8, Mark 10:13-16


James 5:15-20, Psalm 141:1-3, 8, Mark 10:13-16

James 5:15-20

My Beloved, we are reminded that we should not wallow in distress when we are discouraged but we should pray.  Bringing our needs before You is a positive thing to do, for from You flow peace, grace and blessing.  

And when we are happy and all is well with us we should not get dissipated but sing songs of praise and thanksgiving to God from whom all good things flow.  If we are sick the Church has given us the beautiful Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick where we receive healing in our body and soul.

Psalm 141:1-3, 8

My Beloved, there have been many instances in the recent past when I have opened my mouth and rude, impatient and unkind words have spilled from my mouth.  Set a guard over it for I am a child of God whom I call Father. I call You Brother and the Holy Spirit is my Helper.  I belong to You and yet I dishonor You when I am rude to my neighbor.  Forgive me Beloved.  Listen to my prayer and hasten to help me.

When I call on Your Holy Name please do not be deaf to my cry.  Permit my prayers to rise before You as fragrant incense each time I lift up my hands and heart up to You.  Do not let pride lead to me sin and rob me of a life of grace in union with You rather when I turn my gaze to You gather me up and shelter me, for You are my refuge.

Mark 10:13-16

My Beloved, I come into Your Holy Presence like a child confident that You will permit it to come within the circle of Your embrace and be enfolded in Your loving arms.  Scoop me up Lord as You would a little child, lay Your loving hand on my head and bless me.  Let me rest in You and I will be content.  I want nothing more Lord than to live always in the shadow of Your Presence.  Never permit me to stray from Your side through sin.

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