Tuesday, February 18, 2014

James 1:12-18, Psalm 94:12-13a, 14-15, 18-19, Mark 8:14-21


James 1:12-18, Psalm 94:12-13a, 14-15, 18-19, Mark 8:14-21

James 1:12-18

My Beloved, temptation is our constant companion as St. James rightly says, "God tempts no one."  Each time we give into temptation we become weak and more easily prone to sin and before we know it we sink into the quagmire of iniquity.  Resisting temptation is often a struggle but if we do, God will provide the necessary grace to overcome it. If we do not make an effort to nip the temptation in the bud, we will find ourselves sliding into the willing arms of the enemy.  We cannot allow ourselves to be enticed by flirting with sin, if we do, we have no one to blame but ourselves when we fall, crash and burn.

Save me Lord from the honeyed traps of the world, the flesh and the devil I confess I cannot do it on my own.

Psalm 94:12-13a, 14-15, 18-19

My Lord, if I am sincere in my cry for help to resist evil You will rush to my aid and help me.
18 No sooner did I say, “My foot is slip­ping,” 
your kindness, O Lord, held me up.

19 The more worries and trouble assailed me, 
the more you consoled me.

Help me Lord!!!
Mark 8:14-21

"Do you still not understand?"

This is still Your lament today even among the faithful who fail to grasp the enormity of being a member of Your Body and the abundant graces available to us to help us live lives pleasing to You.

Forgive me Lord and help me to do better.

Thank You!

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