Wednesday, January 22, 2014

1 Samuel 17:32-33, 37, 40-51, Psalm 144:1-2, 9-10, Mark 3:1-7


1 Samuel 17:32-33, 37, 40-51, Psalm 144:1-2, 9-10, Mark 3:1-7

“Stretch out your hand.” (Mk 3:5)
1 Samuel 17:32-33, 37, 40-51

My Beloved, trusting in You and Your Word, we can do all things, yet, there are the worldly-wise who will discourage us from stepping out boldly in faith.  Their fear hinders them and they in turn put impediments in our path.  No matter how well-intentioned they may be, they hold us back from realizing all that You call us to be in You.  

David was fearless because he did not rely on his own strength, rather he counted on You as his Deliverer and His Help, he knew that he could trust You to come to his aid.  Saul's armor, helmet and sword were much too heavy and cumbersome for David, just like all the baggage we lug around will always be impediments to our ability to carry out Your will.  He got rid of them, went outside, picked up five smooth stones and went to face the enemy.  It took a single stone shot from his sling to fell the huge, heavy burly Philistine Goliath for God was with him.

In our daily struggle we must lean on You and look to You for help with confidence for You never forsake those who belong to You.  We must remember that the battle belongs to You as does the victory.  You struck Satan with one single blow and he has been cast into the outer darkness.

You have triumphed and we rejoice for You have won our salvation.

Psalm 144:1-2, 9-10

You my Beloved are my Rock, my Fortress, my Deliverer, my Refuge and my Shield.  I hide in the shadow of Your love.  You are my God who loves me and will never forsake me.  You teach and instruct me.  You walk with me.  You hold my hand.  You life me up when I fall.  No evil can touch me for I am saved by Your Blood.  You paid my ransom and set me free.  I rejoice in You and I adore You. My Lord and my God!

Mark 3:1-7

My Beloved, You entered the synagogue on the Sabbath, a holy day reserved only for prayer.  Work was forbidden and the Jews had strict rules about what was lawful and unlawful.

You noticed the man with the paralyzed hand - it was clear to You that here was a man in need however the people were watching You with pursed lips and narrowed eyes.  They knew You well enough by now to know that nothing would prevent You from reaching out to one in need.  The vultures were ready and waiting to swoop down and strike You.

Often when we come to church instead of participating in the celebration of prayer, praise, worship, adoration and thanksgiving our critical gaze is seeking to find fault and nit pick.  Everything is wrong the celebrant, the lectors, the altar services, the homily, the choir, the sound system, the children, the people.  We have sour expressions on our faces and we look like we would rather be any place else and it is only out of duty that we come to God's house on the Lord's Day. We have absolutely no clue about the purpose of our presence in the House of the Lord.

You were not constrained by the lack of charity of those around You.  You did not desire to be politically correct, instead, in front of all those gathered there, You called the man and right before their feigned scandalous gaze You did the good that God always wants done irrespective of the circumstances and the consequences.

You see the hearts of men and You know their secret, innermost thoughts and more often than not my Beloved You are grieved and full of sadness at the duplicity of those who profess to be Your followers.  We are close minded and lacking in generosity.

You teach by example that we must not let anything stand in the way of doing good no matter what the consequences.

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