Monday, December 2, 2013

Isaiah 4:2-6, Psalm 122:1-9, Matthew 8:5-11


Isaiah 4:2-6, Psalm 122:1-9, Matthew 8:5-11

Isaiah 4:2-6

My Beloved, from these verses we see that God will not forsake His own.  Even though the people of God were unfaithful, He did not forget the Covenant He swore to Abraham and to his posterity.  Even when it seemed that God had forgotten and His chosen people became more and more entrapped and enmeshed in sin, You were preparing a new line from among them and from here would come for a New Beginning.

You fashioned a creature unpolluted by sin and the filth and grime of the deadly decay and stench of death .  She was the crown of Your creation and Satan trembled when he beheld her.  The Fruit of her womb would be the Son of God and the Son of Man.  She would give Him His Body.  He would crush the head of the Enemy and would save every tribe, nation, language and people.  His Name, Emmanuel - God with us is the cloud by day and the fire by night that accompanies the people of God as we sojourn on earth.  God in His fullness abides in the world hidden in Bread, "Immensity made small," in order to become our Food and our Strength.
Psalm 122:1-9

Peace and joy are the gifts You bring us despite the circumstances of our lives.  We look at You and our faces are radiant because we know that we belong to You.  At every celebration of the Eucharist, You invite us to a banquet to celebrate God's love for us and to give Him thanks for all He has done for us through You.  We stand united by our common baptism, confirmed in the Holy Spirit, one in Your Body as members of Your Church.  Peace is Your gift to us.

In the House of the Lord which is Your Church, founded on the Apostles with Peter as its Rock and You as its Cornerstone, we are a royal race, a holy priesthood, a people set apart who reflect Your Light set high on a hilltop as a beacon of hope, inviting all who desire to belong to You to come home.

Matthew 8:5-11

My Beloved, we Your servants are paralyzed and sick with sin.  We suffer terribly from its consequences and we cry out to You for healing.  At every Eucharist, we make the centurion's prayer our own, "Lord I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof, say but the word my Beloved and my soul shall be healed."  You hear our prayer and You give us all we ask for and more.  You make Your home in our heart and make us one with You.

Faith is not a treasure to be buried but a gift to be shared joyfully to the world so Your prophesy in verse 11, " I say to you, many will come from east and west and sit down with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob at the feast in the kingdom of heaven;" will be fulfilled and the Kingdom of God will come among us.

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