Friday, December 6, 2013

Isaiah 29:17-24, Psalm 27:1, 4, 13-14, Matthew 9:27-31


Isaiah 29:17-24, Psalm 27:1, 4, 13-14, Matthew 9:27-31

Isaiah 29:17-24

My Beloved, we live in an age full of promise and hope.  it may not always seem that way when we hear, see or read the news.  Your work goes on quietly, silently, efficiently, unseen.  The workers in Your vineyard may not be as many as there should be but they are faithful, they toil joyfully and sincerely.  They have tasted Your goodness.  They have experienced Your love and now they want the world to know it too.  In the midst of persecution, they remain faithful.  They help the dear to hear, and the blind to see.  While it may seem that evil rules the day, the truth is that grace abounds even more.  The day of the Lord is at hand and we rejoice and are glad.

You are God who dwells among His people - Emmanuel, You are the anointed one who saves.

Psalm 27:1, 4, 13-14

My Beloved, the very first verse of this psalm is a beacon of hope.  You are our God, we are your people, formed in Your image and likeness for a heavenly purpose and destiny.

As Catholics we are awesomely blessed.  You make Your dwelling place among us hidden in the form of Bread.  We can approach You night or day and find You waiting patiently for us in Your Sanctuary.  You are the Precious Jewel, the Precious Pearl of Great Price and all is worth losing in order to gain You.

We have all we need in You.  Our hope in You is never disappointed.  Thank You for giving us strength for the battle each day.  In You alone my Beloved will I taste Your victory at last and be united with You forever. 

Matthew 9:27-31

No cry of appeal to You goes unheard.  We pray for years my Beloved for our loved ones to come back to the faith and often it is tempting to give up  because the situation remains unchanged year after year and in some cases even seem to get so bade it seems hopeless. The chains of evil seem to bind ever tighter.  Yet, there is always hope.  You always hear.  Every cry does reach Your ear.  Your arm is not too short to save,.  The word issued forth from Your lips will not return without completing what it was sent out to accomplish.  So I will continue to cry and shout and appeal to and beg You.  I will run after You and catch up with You and You in turn will reveal to me Your goodness and mercy and You will ask me if I believe that You can do all I ask of You and I will say yes, yes I do believe. And You will grant me everything I ask for in accordance with my faith and much much more besides because You are an extravagant and prodigal God and You always give lavishly and with abandon.

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