ROMANS 11:29-36, PSALM 69:30-31, 33-34 & 36, LUKE 14:12-14
ROMANS 11:29-36
All of God's elect hear His call and all have experienced that first awakening to divine love. In baptism the chosen are made a part of the God's family. Once received into the divine family, He will not withdraw His favor. He stamps His seal on the souls of those whom it has pleased Him to set apart. He calls us because the people He chose refused to accept the One He sent to be the means by which all are saved. Because of their disobedience God turned away from them for a time in order to form for Himself a people who were once pagans and foreigners.
Who can fathom the mind of the Lord? Who can search the depths of His riches, wisdom and knowledge except those whom He draws into a relationship with Himself? The choice is His and not through any merit of the one called. What could we even give Him first before He pours upon His Gifts? Can God ever become our Debtor? Can God owe His creatures anything?
In His sheer magnanimity, the awesomeness of His magnificent love that He looked upon our pitiful poverty and nothingness and was moved to cast His glance lovingly on us, encompass us, deliver and save us and claim us as His own.
PSALM 69:30-31, 33-34 & 36
Every sinner has hope and there is no sin so great that it can take us beyond the realm of Your saving grace. Every cry even if only a sigh of sorrow and regret will be heard. You love the sinner and will not abandon him to the abode of the damned. All who look for You will find You. The greater the sin, the greater our need, the more confidently can we trust You to show mercy and compassion for You, my own true and beloved God, are not only a God of Love but You choose to make Your dwelling in the hearts of those who belong to You.
LUKE 14:12-14
My Beloved, You want us to imitate You. Today we are the poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind on whom You have taken pity and called into a relationship with You. You invited us to call Your Abba our Abba. You made us co-heirs to the Kingdom of God. You gave us all that You could give, holding nothing back not even Your life and as if that was not enough, You entrusted us to Your Mama and asked us to look on her as our Mama too. Must we not extend this same magnanimous love to those tho are as we once were - spiritual beggars? The world is full of those who are hungry, thirsty, naked, imprisoned, sick and dying for God who is all that is Truth, Goodness and Beauty. Please give us a heart like Your own so we can serve You in our neighbor.
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