Thursday, August 1, 2013

Exodus 40:16-21, 34-38, Psalm 84:3-6a, 8a, 11, Matthew 13:47-53



Exodus 40:16-21, 34-38, Psalm 84:3-6a, 8a, 11, Matthew 13:47-53

Exodus 40:16-21, 34-38

My Beloved, in the Ark of the Covenant was placed the 10 Commandments written by the Finger of God, a jar of manna, bread from heaven provided to feed the Israelites in the desert and the budding rod of Aaron.  The Ark was made according to the precise and elaborate instructions given to Moses by God Himself.  Only the finest wood, the purest gold and silver and the finest cloths were used.  The best craftsmen worked on it to fashion its woodwork and carvings, to make the intricate designs in gold, bronze and silver.  The bowls and basins were made of the finest quality for God deserves the best that our human hands can offer.

Once the Ark was ready the power of the Most High overshadowed it in a cloud of glory and rested on it.  The whole Tent was filled with His Holy Presence which remained with the people until their wandering in the desert ended.  In the night a fire shone in the cloud providing light, keeping at bay the things that prefer to lurk in the dark.

The Ark of the New Covenant was also carefully prepared but this one was created and fashioned by God Himself.  She was chosen and fashioned so exquisitely that she was the flower of His creation. In the fullness of time and after she lovingly submitted to the will of the Father, God's power overshadowed her and the Holy Spirit who is the Fire of Divine Love came upon her and she conceived the Eternal Word of God in her womb.  The Ark was her virginal, immaculate body which gave a Body to the Son of God and He became the Son of Man as well. He will accompany us in our exile here on earth and will take us safely to our journey's end. 

Psalm 84:3-6a, 8a, 11

My Beloved, there is no place in all the world that is as beautiful as the place where You make Your home.  When You come to reside in our hearts and make it a temple of the Holy Spirit we can approach You at any time to worship, adore and lovingly unite ourselves to You.  In this loving union we are strengthened and refreshed and we are able to go out into the world sustained by Your love.

The disciple can lay her head on Your breast and be perfectly content and happy for she possesses all things when she possesses You.

Matthew 13:47-53

My Beloved, through the parables You give us insights into what the Kingdom of God is like.  All are invited to eternal and blissful union with You however not all accept the invitation. No one is saved by force but by freely choosing to be saved in the way that God the Father planned in  His wisdom and love.  "Greater love hath no man than this that he lay down his life for his friend."

Yet, if one has never heard of You but is still living by the Law of Love then You who are the only judge will decide whether they will enter the Kingdom or not. But those who are worthless, those who have only grubbed on the surface and sated their appetites at the expense of all that is good, true, noble, holy and beautiful will find that by choice they are left in the outer darkness eternally.

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