Monday, July 1, 2013

Genesis 18:16-33, Psalm 103:1b-4, 8-11, Matthew 8:18-22


Genesis 18:16-33, Psalm 103:1b-4, 8-11, Matthew 8:18-22

Genesis 18:16-33

My Beloved, God will never allow the good to perish with the wicked.  As long as there is a remnant faithful in the world who lift by holy hands and cry out to You for mercy night and day. Who withhold sleep from their eye an food from their lips, pleading with You to be merciful as Abraham pleaded with You, YOU WILL SHOW MERCY FOR YOU ARE A GOD OF LOVE AND TENDER COMPASSION, slow to anger and full of merciful love. 

Psalm 103:1b-4, 8-11

Heavenly Father, only Son of the Living God, Holy Spirit who proceeds from the Father and the Son, You are a God of great compassion and tender, merciful love.  You created us and we belong to You.  We sinned and You did not hesitate to pay the most awesome price to save us from the jaws of death and eternal damnation.

I adore You, I love and bless You.  For as long as there is a today in my life may I live to love You and when my today on earth comes to an end may I spend my eternity in Your Blessed Company forever.

Have mercy on us sinners Lord and bless us!

Matthew 8:18-22

My Beloved, Your time on earth was short.  33 years of which only 3 were spent in public ministry.  You had work to do and You could not stay in one place too long.  Despite the overwhelming crowds that always pressed around You wherever You went and despite the fact that they clamored for You constantly to touch and heal them.  Your mission was greater than to just provide physical and spiritual healing to some who were privileged to meet You each day.  You were sent into the world by the Father to open the Gates of Heaven and show us the way back to our eternal home. You came to vanquish death and conquer sin in the world.  You had to teach the twelve You had chosen as well as the other disciples and followers.

When we follow You we do not penny pinch as we count the cost of discipleship, rather we embrace Your will for our lives joyfully as we follow You to the foot of the Cross and even to be nailed to it if this be Your will.

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