Sunday, July 28, 2013

Exodus 24:3-8, Psalm 50:1-2, 5-6, 15-16, Matthew 13:24-30


Exodus 24:3-8, Psalm 50:1-2, 5-6, 15-16, Matthew 13:24-30

Exodus 24:3-8

Moses revealed to the people the words of the Lord and they said, "Everything that Yahweh has said, we shall do.  Moses then recorded God's word and built an altar to God at the foot of the mountain with twelve stones.

The Lord Jesus has now built an altar on top of the mountain. He is our Cornerstone and its foundation are the 12 apostles.  From here we offer everyday a sacrifice pleasing to God, the eternal Sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ.  We are washed in the Blood of the Lamb and restored to our former glory through His merits, won for us on the Hill of Calvary.  With grateful and loving hearts we too say, "All that the Lord our God says we will do."

Psalm 50:1-2, 5-6, 15-16

The God of gods has spoken a Word, His Eternal Word and through the Rising of His Son He summons us, all the living from sunrise to sunset.  Beauty, Truth and Life are the Light that shine from from Him and illumine the heavens and the earth.

Keep all who have been baptized into Your Body faithful O Lord and bring back those who have strayed we beg You.

You are our Rock, our Fortress, our Deliverer, we call on You always for You are a God who saves.

Matthew 13:24-30

My Beloved, the Seed of Your Word has been sown by Your Apostles, disciples and followers through the ages.  It is good seed but the enemy has sown the weeds of confusion, greed and lies.  We live in a world that is being rent asunder by the forces of evil but good will prevail.  The wicked will be gathered and thrown into the furnace where the flames will never die while the good will receive a welcome in the Kingdom of God.

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