Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Exodus 16:1-5, 9-15, Psalm 78:18-19, 23-28, Matthew 13:9-15


Exodus 16:1-5, 9-15, Psalm 78:18-19, 23-28, Matthew 13:9-15

Exodus 16:1-5, 9-15

My Beloved, how often when we are denied our creature comforts we whine and complain like the Israelites in the desert.  In this journey towards the Kingdom we must learn to deny ourselves and yet we are so used to self indulgence that the denial of the flesh becomes doubly hard.  As in all things we must train ourselves and choose the narrow road.  You love us and You will give us all we need to make the journey without falling by the wayside.  You give us strength sufficient for each day.

In our sojourn in the desert of our life, if we turn our gaze away from ourselves and look for You we will find You. 

You give us food to sustain for the journey.  You supply all we need if only we call on You for aid.

Psalm 78:18-19, 23-28

My Beloved, ever since we committed the first sin against Divine Love, we have continued to heap sin upon sin, to grumble, complain and we have not hesitated to blaspheme even.  We have denied Your power and instead of leaning on You in time of trouble, we have grumbled at our lot.

But You are a God of mercy, pity, compassion and love. You created us and You make allowances for our weaknesses and help us through the frequent reception of the Sacrament to overcome them. You know we are frail and so You give us Your Own Holy Spirit to strengthen, empower and help us.  You feed us with Yourself until our souls are satisfied.  Thank You. 

Matthew 13:9-15

My Beloved, the boat represents Your Church, the crowds on the shore are men and women of all nations who are invited to hear Your Word  Your Saving Word and to choose Life.

The Seed in this parable is Your Word, the Sower is God - You are His Eternal Unchanging Word.  He has spoken His Word and some who heard it took it lightly, twisted it through misinterpretation oftentimes deliberate, robbed of its Truth it was lost.

Sometimes Your Word falls on hearts that are so hard it is impossible for it to put down any roots and so it withers and dies as soon as it is heard for there is nothing in such a heart that is conducive to growth.

Sometimes our life is so chock full with worthless occupations and pastimes that the Word is choked out, there is no opportunity for growth because the soul is hostile.  

But when the rain of sorrow, heartache, heartbreak and disappointments soften the heart and awakens the soul to desire You.  Such a soul is ready to receive God's Word there it can put down roots and in time will yield a plentiful harvest.

My soul continues to have areas which represents these different types of soil my Beloved, Your Holy Spirit continues to help and train me to receive the Eternal Word of God made Incarnate of the Virgin Mary in a heart that is always ready and willing to yield to His will. 

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