Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Acts 16:22-34, Psalm 138:1-3, 7c-8, John 16:5-11


Acts 16:22-34, Psalm 138:1-3, 7c-8, John 16:5-11 


Acts 16:22-34

My Beloved, crowds are notoriously fickle, they often have the herd mentality and can be easily aroused to carry out unwittingly the intent and purpose of those who control them with an idea or belief.  Little does the crowd realise they are being played for fools by those who use them to serve some nefarious purpose.

A crowd can be excited into a frenzy of feelings and once the emotions are aroused they are a force that nothing can stop until its energy is spent or it is stopped by brute, bloody force. 

Here Paul and Silas became victims of a mob aroused by jealous Jews.  They are not above lying to the Roman officials in order to muzzle them and be rid of them.  They are maltreated and dealt with harshly and imprisoned but they continued to trust You and were happy to suffer for Your sake and for the sake of the Gospel.  

When we experience moments of distress and trouble we too should imitate them and pray and sing hymns to God.  Our faith will then move God to work mightily in our favor just He worked for Paul and Silas and set them free. He used a powerful earthwork to break the chains and unlock the gates of the prison and in the end the jailer and his whole household was baptized when they heard the Word of God.

Beloved grant that I too may bring the Good News to everyone I encounter so all can be saved as they come to the knowledge of Truth in You.

Our faith in You is cause for daily celebration. 

Psalm 138:1-3, 7c-8

My Beloved, thank You for being my dearest, best Friend, constant Companion and the Love of my life.

I bow down in worship and adoration every waking moment.  Thank You for coming to my aid every time I called and for rescuing me and keeping me safe in Your Love.  You strengthen me with the Bread of Life and You keep me safe from the snares and wiles of the devil.  Thank You for Your care of me.  Thank You for Your kindness to me and mine which will endure eternally.  I know that You will never forsake me for I belong wholly to You alone.

John 16:5-11 

My Beloved, thank You that even though You are with the Father You continue to remain intimately with us through Your Holy Spirit who binds us in love to You and the Father.  He is the wisdom of God and the Breath of God and He makes His home in our bodies - we are the Living Temples of Your Holy Spirit. This is possible only because You are with the Father and it is Your express desire to give us Your Spirit who will make us one with You and Your Father in a bond that cannot be broken except through grave sin.

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