Monday, May 6, 2013

Acts 16:11-15, Psalm 149: 1b-6a, 9b, John 15:26-16:4a


Acts 16:11-15, Psalm 149: 1b-6a, 9b, John 15:26-16:4a

Acts 16:11-15

This is the blueprint that we too are called to follow my Beloved.  First people have to hear the Good News which is preached by those whom You send.  These go wherever they are led by Your Holy Spirit and they proclaim the Word boldly.  Those who listen can be moved and touched and will believe through grace.  It is You again that moves the heart to respond in faith.

The gift of faith is given to all who are ready to accept it.  Here we see how of all the women present only Lydia is singled out and mentioned.  It is the way we listen that will be rewarded with the Gift of Faith.  Not only she but her entire household received this gift because she responded generously wanting to give because she had received. 

Psalm 149: 1b-6a, 9b

The hearts of all who love You are filled with gladness.  Theirs is an exultant joy, a celebratory joy, which moves the soul to sing and the body to dance.  Glad hymns of praise overflow from a heart that is filled with love and adoration for You who are all good and who never ceases to delight those who belong to You.  You bless everything they do.

Night and day praise is on the lips of those who love God and it rises up to the Throne of Grace as a pleasing fragrance.

John 15:26-16:4a 

My Beloved, just as the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of Truth is poured out in love from Father to Son; so too He is poured out on all whom the Father draws to You so the Truth about You is revealed.  In this way we too become Your witnesses. The almighty God does not hesitate in giving generously His very own Spirit to be our Helper so we can be led into the fullness of Truth - the Truth that sets us free from every kind of addiction and slavery.

God has spared no effort in giving us everything we need to ensure that all will be saved.  He sent You into the world to pay the price of our redemption. This He did not deem enough but also gave us His Own Holy Spirit to lead us, guide us and open our minds to Truth.  It is the Holy Spirit who shows us how to respond in love to the love that You have poured upon Your unworthy creatures.  At the end of this life on earth we have the awesome hope that we will live with You, the Father and the Holy Spirit along with the angels and Saints for all eternity.

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