Thursday, April 4, 2013

Acts 3:11-26, Psalm 8:2ab, 5-9, Luke 24:35-48



Acts 3:11-26, Psalm 8:2ab, 5-9, Luke 24:35-48

 Acts 3:11-26

My Beloved, God sent You into the world to be our blessing and our peace. to unite a divided world, to raise a fallen people and to fill our empty lives with the sweetness of Your love.  We are sorry that our sins were responsible for Your death and we thank God that He sent You into the world to be the means by which all men are saved.  Thank You for being the Promise that gives us hope from the first man to the last.  You gather us all as the one people of God so that we may all sing God's praises here on earth and forever in heaven.
Psalm 8:2ab, 5-9

Thank You Father for being mindful of us.  We had all strayed and deserved Your righteous punishment.  You did not treat us according to our guilt, You did not judge us according to our iniquity.  You have shown Yourself to us as a merciful, tender, loving, compassionate Father.  You gave us Jesus as our Beloved Savior and You have poured upon us Your Holy Spirit to reveal the Truth of our salvation in order that we may live for You always.

Luke 24:35-48

Jesus, when we speak of You, You are present in our midst.  We look at You and see Your scars and we rejoice as they are the marks that bore our punishment.  We now can touch You, see You and taste You.  Stay with us Lord, You who are the cause of our joy and the means by which we are saved.  Grant us power from above in order that we may be pleasing to You.  We love You help us to love all that is good and may we always choose to do all the You desire us to do in order that we can come to You and live with You forever.

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