Monday, January 14, 2013

Hebrews 1:1-6, Psalm 97:1 & 2b, 6 & 7c & 9, Mark 1:14-20


Hebrews 1:1-6, Psalm 97:1 & 2b, 6 & 7c & 9, Mark 1:14-20

Hebrews 1:1-6

My Beloved Jesus, the entire Old Testament alludes to You however You are shrouded in mystery, hidden behind a veil till God decided to pierce time and space so You could enter into the world and reveal to us who are most blessed to live in the age of the New Testament, the Face, the Reflection, the Radiance the Glory and the power of the Love of the Father when He sent You into the world.  In perfect humility, obedience, submission and love You became a Man like us in order to save us and restore that which we had lost through pride and disobedience.  And now God has raised You and given You a Name that is above all names and He has seated You at His right hand in majesty.  He acknowledged all that He has accomplished through You and desires that angels, saints, prophets, priests and patriarchs, all that is above the earth, on the earth and under the earth, and all in heaven bow down before You and worship and adore You who are His Firstborn Son.

Thank You Father for Jesus, thank You Beloved for Your Holy Spirit who makes a life of grace possible.

Psalm 97:1 & 2b, 6 & 7c & 9

My Beloved, Your reign and rule are established forever.  All the heavens and all nations acknowledge Your majesty.  You are appointed as the only righteous Judge and Your judgments prevail over all.  You are seated on the throne of justice and righteousness and You rule with mercy and compassion.  You do not judge according to what we deserve but in accordance with Your goodness and compassion.  You love the sinner so You laid down Your life and took upon Yourself the death that was ours and You saved us.  You are our God and we exalt You, adore You and offer You all our love.

Mark 1:14-20

The time has come - it is time to wake up.  There is so much to be done and there are few who are willing to leave the world behind and help to establish Your Kingdom in the world. We are called to a total metanoia, to change old sinful habits, break from the past and believe the Good News of salvation.  God has sent You to walk with us.  He wants us to take You into our hearts, homes and everywhere else we go.  He desires that we respond to Your invitation to follow You and permit You to make of us Your instruments enabling us to draw others to You too.  Just as Simon and Andrew who were busy with temporal affairs but who abandoned their nets at once and followed You on hearing Your call, just like James and John were were helping their earthly father but left him in order to follow You the Son of the heavenly Father, so too must we turn away from the world and its empty promises and follow You closely. So closely and so intimately that people will see You in us as we see You in them and so draw all to You in order to hasten Your second coming and establish Your Kingdom on earth.  Maranatha,  Lord Jesus.

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