Saturday, January 12, 2013

1 John 5:14-21, Psalm 149:1-6a, 9, John 3:22-30

1 John 5:14-21, Psalm 149:1-6a, 9, John 3:22-30

1 John 5:14-21

My Beloved, it delights You to give us everything we ask for if it is in accordance with Your will.  In fact as St. John reminds us , we have already received what we have asked.  It is only when we become aware of what we need to live lives pleased to God and desire to receive the gifts that will help us, do we begin to discover that they have already been give us us.  All we need t do is first know that we need to please God, become aware of what we need in order to please Him, ask Him to supply these gifts and then we will discover that they have already been given when we received the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Reconciliation and the Holy Eucharist.  But they lie dormant in us,  Unknown to us and so unused by us.  All we need to do once we become aware, is to being to use the gifts.  Of course everyone sins but we do not desire to sin.  Even a righteous person falls seven times a day the difference between those who sin without compunction and those who sin because they are weak is that they quickly rush to God to aid and forgive them and they are quickly restored to a right relationship with God.

Father thank You for sending Your Son Jesus into the world.  By His coming we are now children of God and heirs to the Kingdom.  He who is truth has revealed this Truth to us and through Him we have received eternal life.

Psalm 149:1-6a, 9

My Beloved to be humble is the sure way to living in the Shadow of God like Moses. The greatest saints in the annals of Church history were the ones who like St. Francis of Assisi were poor in spirit.  They were truly humble souls who knew that all things were possible only through faith in You.  They emptied themselves and allowed You to fill them with Your power and Your Holy Spirit.  They were Your vessels, instruments and channels.  Help us Lord to imitate them.

John 3:22-30

Verse 27  “No one can take on anything except what has been given him from heaven."  

My Beloved it will save us all a great deal of trouble, discouragement and heartache if we understood each one of us has a unique mission.  Some of us are created little, some of us are called to do great things that You have equipped them to do.  All the saints show us what God can do with those who cooperate with Him to do the work that He has called them to do and so each is one of a kind.  Like little St. Therese who understood that her vocation lay in being childlike and in doing the little, everyday, tiresome, tedious things as well and as cheerfully as she could for God's glory.  Desiring only to live to please God always and aware of her inability to do extraordinary things she wisely relied on God's love and God's power ad threw herself with abandon into His loving arms obtaining from Him all the grace she needed to do the most ordinary things with extraordinary grace and love.

If we all understood this there would be no jealousy if one displays greater or more visible gifts than others as long as one does not deny that each has received from the fullness of God's riches and mercy and in accordance with God's will and purpose for us.  If I am a drab, little ordinary clay pot let me rejoice that in my very ordinariness I will be used more robustly and more often without fear of my being damaged, chipped and thus ruining my beauty or fragility.  As long as I am used let me rejoice.  If my life can glorify God in even the smallest way, if I am only a tiny, flickering wick and all that God is asking of me is to shed all the light that is possible withing my limited capacity then my God will be mightily pleased with me.

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