Monday, October 8, 2012

Galatians 1:6-12, Psalm 111:1-2, 7-10, Luke 1-:25-37

Galatians 1:6-12, Psalm 111:1-2, 7-10, Luke 1-:25-37

Galatians 1:6-12

My Beloved, many in the Church and outside are busy sowing confusion among the faithful.  Many of the faithful are woefully ignorant about the priceless gift of faith they received when they were baptized as infants.  The faith has been ruthlessly rejected and is cast aside as worthless without giving it a serious thought or else they pick and choose what suits their fancy and life style.  The treasures of faith they inherited have been trampled underfoot and pearls have been thrown to swine. Their faith formation as children has been cursory and they have never progressed further than the basic rudiments of faith.  They have never opened a Holy Bible, they do not frequent the Sacraments, those who were called to teach and lead by example have failed them miserably since they themselves were bankrupt.  Today, large sections of Catholics need to be re-evangelized and catechized.  Please Lord, send new apostles to labor in Your vineyard and take up the great challenge in this year of faith decreed by Holy Mother Church Amen!!!

Luke 1-:25-37

Beloved Jesus, the man in today’s Gospel who put You to the test  already knew the answer to the question he posed, this is clear since he agreed that Your answer was the right one. This pseudo intellectual  posed another ridiculous question, “Who is my neighbor?” he asked. The natural law which is written on our hearts tells us exactly who our neighbor is but since he wanted it spelt out, You indulged him not for his sake but for ours and for the generations that will follow.  You wanted us to be in no doubt as to is our neighbor by giving us the beautiful parable of the Good Samaritan.  Mercy is part of God’s divine nature and He invites us to partake of that nature by imitating and imaging Him in showing mercy and being merciful.

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