Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Galatians 1:13-24, Psalm 139:1-3, 13-15, Luke 10:38-42


M--- Mine, once you bring someone to me in prayer, let go of it – trust Me.  I will take care of it and do what is required. TRUST ME!  Be free of the burden once you have entrusted it to Me.  Be a child and trust Me.  Everything M--- let it go from your heart to Mine, free yourself of the burden it is no longer yours it is Mine. Get it?

Yes I do Beloved.  Thank You.  It feels good not to be weighed down by worry, sorrow, anxiety, fear and grief when people approach me to pray for them.  I was carrying the burden with me even after I had prayed.  Thank You for setting me free.

My Beloved, You have the power to take anyone from wherever they are to the place where You desire them to be.  You are GOD and no one can gainsay You. You are the all powerful God. Just look at St. Paul before his conversion – when he persecuted the Church he did so with a clear conscience believing that this was pleasing to God.  There are many like him who persecute, harm and wound Your Bride through sheer ignorance but there is always hope.  What You did for Saul You can do for anyone.  You are God and You can transform even the most hard hearted and bigoted enemy of the Church into another St. Paul.  You can make of whoever You wish a new creation and You can do it as spectacularly as You did it for Paul or You can do it quietly in the solitude of a man’s heart, soul, mind, conscience.  
Verses 151-16 But one day God called me out of his great love, he who had chosen me from my mother’s womb; and he was pleased 16 to reveal in me his Son, that I might make him known among the pagan nations. 

These two verses are awesome.  We don’t need anyone my Lord all we need is You, and when we surrender our will and give You our consent to do what You will with us You can raise up new apostles like St. Paul

O Lord, you know me:
you have scrutinized me.
You know when I sit and when I rise;
beforehand you discern my thoughts.
You observe my activities and times of rest;
you are familiar with all my ways.

My God, I have said it before and I say it again – thank You for Your intimate knowledge of me.  It makes me feel protected and cherished.  I love You with all the fervor I am capable of which is not saying much Beloved because I am pretty insignificant and my capacity to love is small.  Stretch and increase my ability to love You more and more each day until I am fully consumed by the ferocity of its fiery power.

My Beloved, poor Martha welcomed You into her home but missed the whole purpose of Your Presence there.  Mary on the other hand may not have been the first to see You or welcome You but when she saw You in her home she recognized You and she knew or rather her heart knew what to do.  She sat at Your feet and gave You her whole undivided attention.  No distractions, no worry, no anxiety, no stress, no restlessness.  She just dropped everything and settled herself at Your feet.  Her sister Martha was annoyed not only because she was bothered and disturbed by each one of her self-righteous good intentions, it irritated her to see her sister seated at her Master’s feet as cool as you please.  She failed to notice her sister’s heart – You did.  In it was only love and a total awareness of You.  The joy of just being with You was enough for her and it was enough for You too to know that Mary recognized she was in the Presence of her Lord.  In fact both You and she were satisfied.

You told the apostles once that You had food and drink of which they knew nothing of.  This is what You meant.  Drawing souls to the Father one soul at a time is food and drink to You and now You have entrusted this mission to us.  Thank You.

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