Friday, September 14, 2012

Numbers 21:409, Philippians 2:6-11, Psalm 78:1-2, 34-38, John 3:13-17

Daily Holy Mass Readings:

  1. Think and talk about yourself as much as possible.
  2. Measure your  happiness by the  amount of money  and stuff you have.
  3. Be suspicious and jealous of everyone.
  4. Be super-sensitive, easily offended, and impossible to be comforted.
  5. Never forget a criticism or  personal offense.
  6. Think the worst  about everyone.
  7. Push your own opinions on others to the point of contention.
  8. Never forget (or let others forget)  a good deed you have done.
  9. Shirk your responsibilities  whenever you can.
  10. Refuse to forgive or show mercy or compassion to anyone.

Beloved, when the journey of life is sometimes hard and the road is rocky and there seems to be no end to the difficulties ahead, we are tempted to grumble and complain.  We dare to fault You and those around us and we blame everyone for our troubles instead of turning to You with the confidence of a child; praising You even in the midst of the darkness.  This can  only weigh down our hearts, but if we invite You to walk with us, if we praise and thank You in all circumstances, when we look back we will find more often than not, that it is from these sufferings and hardships that we have grown in wisdom and spiritual maturity.

The constant bitter complaining are like fiery serpents that burn and sear the soul as it poisons and kills with its venom.  Even at this point You are merciful if we cry out to You to save us.  Thank You for the Cross and the Sacrament of Reconciliation where we receive grace to start anew.  Thank You for the Blood and Water that cleanses, purifies and restores.  Thank You for the food that Your Body provides for our soul.  Food for our journey into eternity.

Philippians 2:6-11

The wonder and the beauty of the relationship between the Three Persons of the Trinity is that each pours Himself out in love for the Other.  Each seeks that the Other be glorified.  The Father makes known the Son, the Son makes the Father and gives us the Gift of His Holy Spirit in order that we may discern what the Father has done for us in giving us His Son to be our Savior and Redeemer.  Nothing pleases the Father more than when we understood how You, who are God, left Your place in heaven and Your Father in perfect humility, becoming a Servant and at Victim for our sins.  You became the sacrifice that made expiation for them possible and thus You redeemed and delivered us .  A whole life time followed by eternity is not enough to praise You and the Father with the help of the Holy Spirit who reveals to us and enables us to comprehend the magnitude of God’s love and humility in stooping down to His creatures in love.


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