Tuesday, June 26, 2012

2 Kings 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-36, Psalm 48:2-4, 10-11, Matthew 7:6, 12-14

DAILY HOLY MASS READINGS:    2 Kings 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-36, 

 2 Kings 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-36

My Beloved, no plan against those who belong to You will succeed, it does not matter if they have all the power in the world behind them, they will eventually retreat the way the came like the Assyrian army that threatened war against God's chosen people.  Our God swears a covenant oath and it stands firm forever.

Sometimes Beloved, it might seem that everything is against us and we will definitely be defeated simply because we seem to be outnumbered and all alone, without any influence or power working in our favor.  But this is a lie.  If we trust You, if we call on You in faith and throw ourselves into Your loving arms and claim our Father's protection victory will most assuredly be ours and evil will have no power over us for You have vanquished evil forever on the Cross.

Thank You.

Psalm 48:2-4, 10-11

My Beloved, Your Bride - the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church is elvevated like Mount Zion high up on the mountain top.  It is the place in which God has chosen to dwell.  In her Your people gather to offer You praise  and to proclaim that You are worthy and  to offer to God on on her altar, the Sacrifice of Perfect Love, pleasing and acceptable to Him.  No plan will succeed against her for she is clothed in the strength of the Almighty and He is her Defender and Protector.  No evil plot against her will succeed and those who work to destroy her will themselves be destroyed.

My Beloved, everytime we come together for the Eucharistic celebration we recall Your unfailing love and from one end of the world to the other  fitting praise is offered to You who alone are worthy.

 Matthew 7:6, 12-14

Beloved, It takes wisdom and discernment to know when to share holy and eternal things with another.  We cannot share the treasure we have indiscriminately.  We have to have our ears attuned to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to to lead us when and how to speak.
You invite us to do to others what we would want them to do to us. These are words of profound wisdom yet they convey the truth so simply and effectively. All wars would cease, peace would reign in the world and there would be an end to misery and poverty if only we paid heed and practiced what You desire us to do.   St. Paul too expresses this same thought so beautifully in Romans 13:8 when he says, "Do not be in debt to anyone.  Let this be the only debt of one to another: Love."

My Beloved we lack discipline in almost every area of our life whether it be in the acquiring of material possessions or in the practice of spiritual exercises. This wanton pandering to the flesh is most abhorrent to You. Very few wish to or are willing to take up the Cross daily and walk with You. Few desire to be yoked with You. Few are prepared to walk through the narrow gate and choose the rough road in order to gain the abundant life that awaits those who pesevere in faith, hope and love. They prefer present pleasure and are so caught up with the here and now that they have become deaf and blind to the reckoning that will come in the hereafter.

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