Friday, June 1, 2012

1 Peter 4:7-13, Psalm 96:10-13, Mark 11:11-26

DAILY HOLY MASS READINGS:  1 Peter 4:7-13, Psalm 96:10-13, Mark 11:11-26

1 Peter 4:7-13

My Beloved, ever since You pierced time and entered into the history of the world, we are living at the end of the age.  You are making all things new, reconciling all to Yourself through the Cross.  There is much that is going on in the world that could be cause for alarm and anxiety, but we are called to focus on You through prayer with a calm spirit.  You are God and Lord of all and You are firmly in control.

St. Peter reminds us that if we have genuine love for everyone, then we will not nitpick and we will be generous even when we are misunderstood and maligned by other Christians and non Christians as well, who do not enjoy the fullness of faith and understanding as the children of Holy Mother Church.

Whatever gifts we are blessed with, must be used in service to others for that is their purpose.  Be generous without complaining.  Share the gifts.  use the graces given by a generous God for His glory.  All that we have has been given to in order that God alone may be praised and glorified.  His Name along magnified for all glory, majesty and power belongs to Him always.

The Church seems to be undergoing one scandal after another.  Each is a blow that strikes and wounds at the heart and is cause for much anxiety and pain to all her members./  yet this is necessary if the Church is to be cleansed thoroughly and purified in order that she may emerge stronger, brighter and truly Your beautiful bride.  If we suffer let us do so gladly for as we share in Your suffering we will share in Your glory as well.

Psalm 96:10-13

The Lord reigns in heaven and on earth and I rejoice and I am glad.  My God is in control and I need have no fear.

Mark 11:11-26

Beloved, You are always hungry for our love.  Hungry for us to be all that God calls us to be.  So often, despite all that we have been given, we make a mockery of the purpose for which we have been created.  We lose sight of the goal and we get distracted by the things of the world.  We do not bear fruit despite the fact that we have Your Spirit in us and we receive the Bread of Angels for our spiritual nourishment.  We have no excuse not to be fruitful in all the seasons of our life.  yet ofter we are mere parasites.  We may fool ourselves and others by our outward show of piety but we cannot deceive You.

My Beloved, in this day and age what are the ways in which we turn Your Father's house into a den of thieves?  What is our purpose in coming to Church?  Is it to really pray as a family and to glorify and worship You or is it to showcase some personal talent or gift?  Do we come to Church to flaunt our possessions, our good looks, our wealth?  Do we use these things to subtly look down on others?  Does my presence help to enhance the praise and worship of my brothers and sisters as we keep our focus on God alone.  Our we truly one body as we lift Your Name High with our praise and thanksgiving?  Do we truly enter into the Eucharistic celebration and encounter You and become transformed?  Do You look at us with love and joy as we unite ourselves to You with abandon or are You repulsed by our selfishness, pride and disobedience?  Do You feel goaded to make a whip of cords and drive us out of Your Father's house for we have profaned God's holy place but our lack of decorum as we let our mobiles ring, chew gum, chat, laugh, giggle or invite distractions that take us as far away as we can get from You?  Are we bored right through the entire Eucharistic celebration and do we leave Your Presence as untouched as when we first entered into the Church?

My Beloved, should it ever happen that You find no use for us because we were not willing to work to establish Your Kingdom on earth, then we will wither to our roots and be only good to be thrown in the fire that blazes and never goes out..

Beloved, thank You for this wonderful assurance that we will always receive whatever we ask for in prayer if we ask in faith.  The condition though is to forgive from the heart all real and imagined hurts and God who is good and is a most loving Father will give us all we ask for and more for Your Sake.

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