Monday, May 21, 2012

NOVENA TO THE HOLY SPIRIT - FOURTH DAY - Genesis 1:26-27; 2:7, Luke 1:26-38

21ST MAY 2012

Genesis 1:26-27; 2:7

My Beloved, You fashioned me from the dust of the earth, You breathed Your own Holy Spirit into my body and I drew breath.  It is the breath of the Holy Spirit I breathe day in and day out.  I have done so from the moment I was conceived.  The Spirit animates me and gives me life.  The Spirit gives me an awareness of who I am.  In the divine scheme of things, I have a place of honor given to me by God Himself.  God has a plan for my life.  He mapped it out for me as He brooded over me lovingly even before the dawn of creation.  He fashioned me in His mind and He conceived me in His heart long  before I came into existence.  I have been eternally with the Father and I will remain eternally with the Father in You His Beloved Son through the power of the Holy Spirit.  I shall not die I shall live in triumph with You my Beloved for You have purchased me with Your own most precious Blood.  Thank You.

Luke 1:26-38

"She who was barren is now in her sixth month for with God nothing is impossible."

God can create out of nothing something marvellous for His glory.  While I was a sinner I too was barren but when I confessed my guilt, when I offered God my repentant heart, my contrite spirit and I made reparation for my sins, once I understood how much my sins had offended God and how terribly they destroyed me, I received His forgiveness like the gentle rain. He washed me with the water and blood that gushed forth from His side.  His Holy Spirit came over me, the power of the most High God overshadowed me and the Incarnate Word was conceived in my heart, my soul, my body and my spirit.  Now I am called to bring Him forth in every thought, word and action. I am called to bring Him forth in my love and in my life.  He lives in me, moves in me and has His Being in me.

I who was once barren because of sin am now filled with His life, His love, His grace and as a catechist I am now a spiritual mother many times over even in my old age - for with God nothing is impossible.

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