Thursday, April 26, 2012

Acts 8:26-40, Psalm 66:8,9,16,17,20, John 6:44-51

DAILY HOLY MASS READINGS: Acts 8:26-40, Psalm 66:8,9,16,17,20,  
                                                                  John 6:44-5

 Acts 8:26-40

Beloved, we do not go haring off on our own but we wait for Your Holy Spirit to inspire, lead and guide us.  We have to be atentive to what You want and then act on it.  Like Philip, once he became aware of what You wanted him to do, he did it.  The Ethiopian official was ready to hear the Word and be saved but he needed help to open his mind to understand.  We are told that Philip used what the official was reading as a starting point to draw him into a better understanding.  Help me to be guided by You Lord.  To keep aside personal opinion and unecessary passion and criticism.  just let me be love, compassion, kindness, mercy, understanding just like You.  In the end it is You who gives salvation and You who saves.

Psalm 66:8,9,16,17,20
16 All you who fear God, come and listen;
let me tell you what he has done.
17 I cried aloud to him,
extolling him with my tongue.
20 May God be blessed!
He has not rejected my prayer;
nor withheld his love from me.

Everytime I cried out aloud my Beloved, You always heard and hurried to comfort me. You stooped down from heaven, wrapped Your loving arms around me and heard me.  You wiped away my tears and held me until I was consoled.  THANK YOU!!!

John 6:44-51

My Beloved, I know You, I love You and in doing so, I know and love the Father as well.  It is the Father who draws me to Himself through You.  This is what He willed - that we may all come to know Him thorugh You. You are the means to our salvation.  You are the spiritual food that our souls yearn for and need if we are to live.  Thank You Lord for breaking Your Body to feed us and the promises of eternal life to all who believe.

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