Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Ezekiel 37:1-9, 12, Psalm 46:2,3,5,6,8,9, John 5:1-3, 15-16

Daily Holy Mass Readings:  Ezekiel 37:1-9, 12, Psalm 46:2,3,5,6,8,9
                                              John 5:1-3, 15-16

Ezekiel 37:1-9, 12

My Beloved, the deeper we enter in You, the more we will be engulfed by Your absolute goodness, beasuty and love.  you will sweep us off our feet and we will be carried along with the wonderful currents of deep passion, giving up all that we cling and hold on to that is not of You allowing ourselves to be carried headlong into the very heart of God.  There we will find all that is good and necessary for life.

 ---- Mine, don't hold back - let the bouyant waves caused by the ocean of My love lift you up.  Do not be afraid!!  Trust Me!!!

I will my Beloved.

Psalm 46:2,3,5,6,8,9

Thank You Lord for the life I have in You rooted in Your goodness, beauty, truth and love.

John 5:1-3, 15-16

Beloved, within the Church there are those who are spiritually disabled, handicapped and spiritually challenged.  They have either a warped concept of the Eternal Truth or they seek healing and wholeness in things that cannot measure up to their expectations and so they continue to be disappointed, discouraged and disheartened.  Many have either a poor faith formation or it is almost non-existent and so they muddle along and when life throws up a challenge and things go horribly wrong in their lives they have the termerity to blame You.

There is no excuse for spiritual lethargy today.  We can help ourselves by asking You to send us Your Holy Spirit who will lead us into all Truth and then we must help ourselves by building our faith through prayer and study, by becoming familiar with the Church's teaching, the Catechism etc.  All the information is available freely at our fingertips on the internet  - but we have to make the effort to avail ourselves of it,  Help us Lord!!!!.

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