Monday, January 16, 2012

1 Samuel 15:16-23, Psalm 50:8-9, 16, 17, 21 & 23, Mark 2:18-22

Daily Mass Readings:   1 Samuel 15:16-23, Psalm 50:8-9, 16, 17, 21 & 23, 
                                               Mark 2:18-22


1 Samuel 15:16-23

My Beloved, nothing is more pleasing to You than an obedient heart and a submissive spirit.  Give me these Beloved in order that I may live forever m Your shadow and be filled with the sweetness of Your love.  Teach me to discern Your will for me and then grant me the grace to execute it.

Psalm 50:8-9, 16, 17, 21 & 23
Beloved, You loathe hypocrites  Those You love are those who walk in innocence, these You will save.  Count me among those You love my Lord and strengthen me through grace so that I may never displease You but remain childlike and submissive to Your will.

Mark 2:18-22

You who our Bridegroom, have revealed Yourself to Your own and we rejoice and celebrate Your coming.  This New Covenant of love which You have forged with us makes us one uniting  us in a bond that can never be broken.  You have given Yourself to me without reserve.  i wish to do the same in turn.  Take all of me my Beloved and remain with me until the end.


"---- Mine, love shows itself in action, in self-denial, in giving, yielding and submitting, in forgetting self.  look at Me on the Cross and you will discover love revealed.  Love pours itself out completely, it is a total emptying of self in perfect humility.  This is the kind of love that is demanded of you too."

"I am weak Lord, be my strength."

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