Daily Meditation: Psalm 18:2-7
Psalm 18:2-7
2 I love you, O Lord, my strength.
3 The Lord is my rock, my fortress,
my deliverer and my God.
He is the rock in whom I take refuge.
He is my shield, my powerful savior, my stronghold.
4 I call on the Lord, who is worthy of praise: he saves me from my enemies!
5 A deadly flood surrounded me,
devilish torrents rushed at me;
6 caught by the cords of the grave,
I was brought to the snares of death.
7 But I called upon the Lord in my distress,
I cried to my God for help; and from his temple he heard my voice,
my cry of grief reached his ears.
My Beloved, how wonderfully these verses speak to me. How well they express my love for You. I have experience You in the same way as the psalmist has. You have been and are my life and my love. You are my God, my Rock, my Strength. How often I have run to You in times of joy, sorrow, trouble and distress and I have always found a refuge in You.
You have opened Your arms and I have rushed into them and You clasped me close to Your heart. You have wiped my tears. You've smiled at me. You have been very grave when I did somehting I ought not to have done and I have been shamed to tears by my lack of will. But You have always been quick to forgive and reward.
You have answered every cry of distress and You have been my ever present help in all my troubles. Thank You my Beloved.
---- Mine, I am the Good Shepherd and You are my sheep. Stay within the shelter of my fold and I will see you safely home.
Thank You my Lord.
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