Saturday, December 10, 2011

Matthew 5:13-16

Daily Meditation:  Matthew 5:13-16

Matthew 5:13-16
My Beloved there are three things You make clear to me in these verses:

1) I am the salt of the earth
2) I am the light of the world
3) This light must be a witness, a sign of hope that endures and dispels the
    darkness, even if only for a moment, for those who come into its presence.

This is what is required of any one who calls himself Your disciple.  Anyone who wishes to have a close relationship with You must possess these characteristics.  I must possess a Christ like flavor.  I must burn with Christ like love only then can I be what You want me to be, a sigh of hope in a dark world.


---- Mine, You are truly my disciple. Just love with a love that encompasses all things,.


I am Yours Love, have Your way with me and do what You will with me life.  It is all Yours.

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