Thursday, December 15, 2011

John 6:28-47

Daily Meditation: John 6:28-47

John  6:28-47

Beloved all that the Father asks of me is to believe in You, hope in You, trust in You and love You.  If I do all of the above, eternal life is promised to me.  A life spent in perfect union with the God of love.  The Father makes believing in You very easy for who could resist the love You offer?  I know I cannot.  You feed me with Your Body and You make me one with You in a union that is even closer than the union of spouses.  Here is perfect union between God and me.  

You feed my hunger.  You quench my thirst.  You redeem me by paying the price for my freedom with Your Life.  What is even more amazing Beloved, is that this is the Father's will, that I be sanctified and ransomed by You.  My belief in You is made possible not by my choosing but by the Father making it possible for me to believe; by choosing me to be among those that believe.  I receive all the grace necessary to receive all that You wish to give me.

God Himself teaches me through Sacred Scripture and the Church.  Thank You for the promise of life with You eternally.

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