Sunday, October 9, 2011

Deuteronomy 20:1-4, 8

Daily Inspiration:  Deuteronomy 20:1-4, 8

Deuteronomy 20:1-4, 8

20   1 When you go to war against your enemies and you see horses, chariots and an army more numerous than yours, then have no fear because Yahweh, your God, who brought you out of Egypt, is with you.
When the hour of battle draws near, the priest shall advance to the head of the army and shall speak to the people saying: “Listen, Israel, today you are to enter into battle against your enemies. Do not let your heart be discouraged, or afraid or troubled, and do not tremble before them, for Yahweh, your God, is with you, to fight in your favor against your enemies and save you.”  They shall also say: “Is there anyone who is afraid or weakhearted? Let him go home immediately, lest his fear discourage others.” 
Beloved, there are many times I feel inadequate to the task ahead of me.  I admire the ease with which the experienced and committed stalwarts in Your vineyard accomplish all that is entrusted to them and I long to have the same confidence.  There is much I lack.  I have put my hand to the plow and with the help that You make available to me through grace, I will not look back lest I stumble and fall or like Lot's wife become immobile.  Idle curiosity is never to be encouraged.  

Whatever service I am called to render my Lord, let me first turn my gaze to You and pray for Your help.  You have given me all I need, let me use what You make freely available to me.  I have the gift of time, of intellect, of health, of resources, of ability, of willingness, all this and most important of all, the power of the Holy Spirit.  How then can I fail if I make use of all these in order to glorify You and only You, forgetful of self.  Your grace supplies all I need to be faithful to Your call.

After I have faithfully prepared as well as I know how and aware that I am always dependent on You, when I stand erect, ready to face the challenge and I feel a rush of inadequacy, should I feel fear that I am unequal to the call and I tremble, may the Word You have spoken to me today encourage me and infuse me with Your grace, strength and power. Verses 3-4 say, “Listen, (M---), today you are to enter into battle against your enemies. Do not let your heart be discouraged, or afraid or troubled, and do not tremble before them, for the Lord your God, is with you, to fight in your favor against your enemies and save you.”  You pledge to battle right alongside me and You will remain in me.  The battle and the victory are yours.  I am just the inadequate and weak instrument You deign to use.

Let me also keep verse 8 before me always.  It is better for me to withdraw rather than spread fear, error and discouragement and thus be instrumental in leading others to feel the same.  You lead Beloved, I will follow.

----, you are Mine I will give you all the encouragement and strength you need. Do not look elsewhere, look at Me and I will give you all that your heart desires in its desire for Me.


Remember also that the desire to preen in the flattery of people is dangerous and leads to pride and vanity.  Be warned lest you fall like a fool totally lacking wisdom.

Come appropriately armed for battle and victory is assured.

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