Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Acts 1:2-11

Daily Meditation:  Acts 1:2-11

Acts 1:2-11

My Beloved, I am chosen by You, through grace I have responded to Your call to be Your witness.  You have empowered me and You will continue to equip me in order to enable me spread the Good News of our salvation.  God desires all to be saved.  During the celebration of the Holy Mass the priest proclaims that the Father created us in love, in justice He condemned us for our sins but in His infinite mercy He sent You into the world to be the means by which we are saved. 

After Your Resurrection You appeared several times to those who believed and You gave them many signs that it was indeed You and that You were alive.  They had to be absolutely certain in order to preach with total conviction the Good news that all are saved through You.

Beloved, soon the GCCRS will begin.  We will be spending much time in prayer.  We will hear Your Word preached and our faith will increase.  We will be strengthened by the Eucharist and once again You will send Your Holy Spirit down to the Church in the Gulf with great power.  We are part of the New Evangelization that the Church has called us to.  We have heard the clarion call of the Holy Father, Peter's successor, and we will leave the conference as the Apostles left Jerusalem equipped and empowered by Your Holy Spirit to go out and evangelize the world. 

This is an awesome task that You have entrusted to us.  Here I am Lord, I come to do Your will.


---- Mine, do you love Me?

My Beloved, if I did  not love You I would be miserable and there is nothing I dislike more heartily than being miserable.  So  yes my Lord I love You with every part of me.  I love You, adore You, worship You.  You are mine Lord and this poor little sinful nothing is all Yours.

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