Friday, September 2, 2011

Matthew 8:23-27, Colossians 1:15-20, Luke 5:33-39, Psalm 100:1-5

Daily Meditation:  Matthew 8:23-27

Matthew 8:23-27

Beloved, I have heard this passage being read and preached and I have read it myself man times, I've even written about it yet, reading it today it seems like I was reading if for the first time.  It is so fresh, there are so many nuances, new insights, no wonder it is said that the Word is alive.

Here we are told that You get into the boat and Your disciples followed You. Suddenly and without warning there is a fierce storm with waves that sweep the boat and You are asleep.  The disciples, filled with fear, rouse You and You see their frightened faces.  You look at them bemused and wonder why on earth should they be afraid when they know You are in their midst.  Your disappointment at their lack of faith would have been evident in Your voice. 

In this passage from Matthew we are told that You stood up and ordered the wind and sea and it became completely calm.

Mark 4:36 says that You rebuked the wind and ordered the sea, "Quiet now.  Be still."  The wind dropped and there was a great calm.

Luke 8:24 Luke says You rebuked the wind and the rolling waves and all was quiet.

Matthew, one of the twelve who said in verse 23 that the disciples followed You into the boat now says in verse 27, 'the people were astonished.'  If there were truly your disciples they ought not to have been afraid for they had been witnesses to the power of God working in You through the many miracles You had worked in their presence.

Do I have such a deep and abiding faith in You Lord that no matter what might suddenly come upon me I remain absolutely grounded in You knowing perfectly well that You are firmly in control?


Do I allow my focus to shift from You and look at my problem and thus allow myself to get agitated, stressed and disturbed and lose my peace forgetting that all my past experiences of You assures me that I can trust You in everything? 

Are there times in my life when You look at me perplexed and disappointed because despite all You have done for me, all I know of You,  all my experience of You in my own life and that of others I still lack a strong, unshakeable faith?

Am I a disciple of just one of the people?

M--- you are Mine and You need be afraid of nothing - YOU ARE MINE.

My Beloved, I am all Yours now and forever.  Be patient with me Beloved for You know how weak I am.

Daily Mass Readings:  Colossians 1:15-20, Luke 5:33-39, Psalm 100:1-5

Colossians 1:15-20

Beloved there is no love like that of the Father's love for You and there is no love like the love You have for Your Father.  It is the Holy Spirit that binds this love of Father to Son .  It is the Holy Spirit that is the conduit through which love flows from One Divine Person to the Other and to all creation.  We who are grafted to You image You who is the image of the Father.  He created us in, through and for You  and together with You  we glorify the Father  - we are drawn the glory of God through You and we are given a share in this divine love and life.

Luke 5:33-39

Beloved, we are creatures of habit and You put it succinctly in verses 38-39 when You say, 

38 "But new wine must be put into fresh skins. 39 Yet no one who has tasted old wine is eager to get new wine, but says: The old is good.”

We prefer the old ways resisting change.  Old mindsets refuse to accept that the old must sometimes give way to new and fresh ideas that spring from ETERNAL TRUTH.   You are the fullness of Truth and You bring fire and division for there are many who resist the eternal, unchanging truth, objective truth but prefer to cling to the lie of relative truth.

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