Daily Meditation: 2 Corinthians 3:15-18
2 Corinthians 3:15-18
15 Up to this very day, whenever they read Moses, the veil remains over their understanding 16 but, for whoever turns to the Lord, the veil shall be removed. 17 The Lord is spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
18 So, with unveiled faces, we all reflect the Glory of the Lord, while we are transformed into his likeness and experience his Glory more and more by the action of the Lord who is spirit.
My Beloved, St. Paul says that the veil with which Moses covered his face still prevents the people of the Old Covenant from beholding God's glory. It is only when we turn to You that the veil is removed and we begin to understand the power of God's love which gave us such a Redeemer and Savior as You and You in turn have poured Your Holy Spirit on us. He dwells in us and reveals to us the power of Your Resurrection which is at work in us. It is this same Spirit that enables us to cooperate with the grace we have received through the Sacraments and through which we walk in freedom, no longer shackled in chains of slavery to sin.
It is the work of Your Holy Spirit which enables to transform God's people more and more in Your image and likeness, reflecting each day, more radiantly, Your glory.
Thank You Father for Jesus Your Son. Thank You Jesus for Your Holy Spirit who dwells in us and makes us a holy temple. Thank You sweet and gentle Spirit of God for revealing to us the depth of love between the Father and the Son and for grafting us into Christ so that we too may have a share in that love.
How truly do I image Christ and reflect Him?
Have I allowed the Spirit to work with complete freedom in me?
Does my life reflect God's glory which is always at work in me?
Daily Mass Readings: Colossians 1:9-14, Luke 5:1-11, Psalm 98:2-6
Colossians 1:9-14
What a beautiful prayer St. Paul prays for his friends in Colossae. I too pray this prayer for myself and for those I love. Beloved, my power of endurance is weak; strengthen it in order that I may endure all pain and suffering with patience, in union with Your own on Calvary. Give me a heart that thanks You in every circumstance. I am a child of God through baptism and I have a glorious inheritance waiting for me. May I never forget the price that was paid for my redemption and may I never cease in giving You the praise and worship that is due to You.
Luke 5:1-11
Beloved, Peter, James and John had toiled all night fishing and they were weary and dejected because they had caught nothing. You came to the lake and as usual a crowd gathered hungry for Your teaching. Of the two boats on the lake, You chose to enter Simon Peter's boat, establishing once again the primacy of Peter. You asked him to pull a little away from the shore and You sat down and began to teach. When You had finished, You asked Simon Peter, to put out into the deep and lower their nets for a catch. I can imagine the look on Peter's weary face as he explained that they had been out all night and there were no fish to be caught that day, however since he loved and respected You he thought he would humor You and let down the nets and as they say, the rest is history.
We learn from this incident that we need to trust God always, for our instincts good as they may be, must always give way to the will of God. As Mother Angelica says, "If we are ready to do the ridiculous God will do the impossible." There may be times when You ask me to do something that does not make sense, help me not to be concerned about human respect but be ready always to do all that You ask of me with the trust of a child.
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