Daily Meditation: 1 John 2:15-17
1 John 2:15-17
• 15 Do not love the world or what is in it. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
16 For everything in the world—
the craving of the flesh,
the greed of eyes
and people boasting of their superiority—
all this belongs to the world, not to the Father.
17 The world passes away with all its craving but those who do the will of God remain for ever.
Beloved You warn Your disciples about not loving the world and what is in it. It is so easy to get distracted by the pretty baubles that the world dangles before our eyes. It is so easy to give in to the cravings of the flesh, to give in to all that the body desires to experience, the senses desire to taste. Even to believing that we are better than others for whatever reason. Everything in the world is passing, You alone remain. The choices I make today will determine my tomorrow. Let me cling to You and I beseech You to never forsake me. Relying on Your Spirit alone, I can do all that You ask of me. I love You. Thank You.
Daily Mass Readings: Exodus 1:8-14, 22, Matthew 10:34---11:1,
Psalm: 124:1-8
Exodus 1:8-14, 22
Despite the cruelty of the Egyptians, Your Presence among Your People enabled them to increase in number. Through their hard labor and suffering, You were preparing them for the day of their liberation. No matter to what depths evil governments and rulers may sink, they can never thwart the purposes of God. Alleluia!!! Amen!!!!
Matthew 10:34---11:1
My Beloved, as long as we are in this world and loyal to You, we will be misunderstood. The world wants us to conform, to go with the flow and follow the crowd. To accept the injustice and indignity imposed on the weak and poor. They do not know how to handle and deal with those who live according to the Gospel values which says, "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, pray for those who persecute you. If someone slaps you on one cheek offer the other. If someone takes your coat offer your cloak as well and if you are forced to walk one mile, walk another." Matthew 5:39
We are called to disarm with love and patience. To love without compromise can be very hard but it is possible if we imitate You and keep our and keep our gaze fixed on You.
Psalm: 124:6-7
6 Blessed be the Lord,
who did not let us be devoured.
7 Like a bird our soul escaped
from the snare of the fowler;
the snare was broken and we were freed.
In the confessional we are set free from the fowler's snare and set free. Amen
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