Friday, May 20, 2011

John 19:25-27, Acts 13:26-33, John 14:1-6, Psalm 2:6-11

Daily Meditation:  John 19:25-27

John 19:25-27
 25 Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother’s sister Mary, who was the wife of Cleophas, and Mary of Magdala. 26 When Jesus saw the Mother, and the disciple whom he loved, he said to the Mother, “Woman, this is your son.” 27 Then he said to the disciple, “There is your mother.”And from that moment the disciple took her to his own home.

Your faithful remnant are found at the foot of Your Cross.  At the foot of suffering and agony.  At the foot of the greatest mystery of our redemption.  The Blood and Water that pours from pierced side from which Your Church was born, saves sinners and sanctifies. We have a perpetual intercessor in Your Mother, whose gaze is riveted to You as she pleads  for her children.  Her whole life was a fiat to God.  A life of yielding surrender, obedience, service and humility.  You were taught well by so good a Mother.  This same Mother was given to us.  In giving Mary to the Church as Mother, You gave us a treasure.  She has an unshakeable, tireless love for her weak and sinful children for whom she feels an overwhelming and protective love.  She rushes to our aid and leads all her children to her Beloved Son - reminding Him always of the price He paid for our salvation.   Mary, Mediatrix of all graces, pray to Jesus for us.  

It delights the Beloved, to give all He has received from the Father to us through His Mother, just as the Father delights in giving all He has to His children through His Son. This is not surprising since they always outdo each other in love and generosity.


Daily Mass Readings: Acts 13:26-33, John 14:1-6, Psalm 2:6-11

Acts 13:26-33

My Beloved, these verses in Acts continue to stir the soul and inspire.  St. Paul begins by acknowledging all those present in the Synagogue as brothers as they are fellow Jews, he calls them children, as he feels a fatherly love for them and he calls them descendants of Abraham for that is what they are.  He also addresses the non-Jews who are present and who hunger for God.  He then begins to preach to them the Good News of our salvation.  God raised You from the dead and there were witnesses to everything that had happened concerning You - Your crucifixion, Your burial in the tomb, Your Resurrection and Your many appearances after You rose from the dead and then Your disciples saw You ascend into heaven.  You are now seated at the Father's right hand and make intercession for us night and day.  What have we to fear Beloved when we have Your Mother on one hand who pleads with You for us and on the other, we have You who makes intercessions for with the Father.  Thank You.

John 14:1-6

“Do not be troubled; trust in God and trust in me. In my Father’s house there are many rooms. Otherwise I would not have told you that I go to prepare a place for you. After I have gone and prepared a place for you, I shall come again and take you to me, so that where I am, you also may be. Yet you know the way where I am going.”
Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going; how can we know the way?” 6 Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father but through me.

Beloved, thank You for the strength and sweet consolation of the 1st verse.  I needed Your assurance as I have been anxious needlessly.  A weak faith will not stand up to the test of worry and anxiety.  But for one who has a deep and strong relationship with You there is no place for fear for You assure us that we can trust You.  You say,   ''Trust Me.''   I respond, ''I do trust You my God.''  You are in heaven where You prepare a place for me.  Once my place is ready, You will come personally to take me home.  In the meantime, You have left me a map of the road that I must travel.  You have left an example for me to follow.  You have left me Your Church who will guide me, for You have appointed a Vicar to represent You here on earth.  You have made every provision to sanctify and nourish me and You will fulfill Your promise that someday where You are I too will be.  Thank You my Lord, thank You.!!

Psalm 2:6-11
“Behold the king I have installed,

in Zion, upon my holy hill!”

I will proclaim the decree of the Lord.

He said to me: “You are my son.

This day I have begotten you.

Ask of me and I will give you

the nations for your inheritance,

the ends of the earth for your possession.

You shall rule them with iron scepter

and shatter them as a potter’s vase.”

10 Now therefore, learn wisdom, O kings;

be warned, O rulers of the earth.

11 Serve the Lord with fear

and fall at his feet;

lest he be angry and you perish

when his anger suddenly flares.

Blessed are all who take refuge in him!

Beloved, though the nations rise up against us and the mountains collapse on Your faithful - still evil will not prevail.  No plan forged against Your people will succeed for You are victorious and we are triumphant in Your victory.

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